
ARC Review: After We Fall by Melanie Harlow

I absolutely love Melanie Harlow, and I could not have been more excited for After We Fall. I have been in kind of a book funk lately and this was exactly the book to pull me out! It was sexy, sweet, and emotional, giving the perfect balance of everything I look for in a great romance book! Though I have loved everything I have read from Melanie, After We Fall just might be my favorite!

Jack and Margot come from completely different worlds. Margot prefers men in suits and Jack doesn't want anything to do with a city girl like Margot. But since Margo has been hired to do some PR work for his family's farm, they are stuck with one another. But soon the tension between them is completely different, and they find themselves unable to stop the growing attraction and feelings for one another. 

 loved these two. They were so different, and yet they worked so well together. Jack was often broody and surly, and yet my heart broke for him and all that he had been through. He had been so deeply hurt that you could clearly see how he was was a direct reflection of his pain. Margot was exactly what he needed. Margot was dealing with her own issues and needed Jack just as much as he needed her. I adored these two and loved seeing how far they came over the course of this book. Their chemistry and connection were so strong and I couldn't get enough of them. 

Overall, I really loved this book. The story was beautiful and one that I couldn't put down. I loved the characters and felt so invested in them. Melanie Harlow just seems to get better with each book she writes, and After We Fall is her at her absolute best! This is one I would highly recommend for romance fans of all genres, and I think that this book is a must read!

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

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