
ARC Review: For Maggie's Sake by Lora Leigh

Look, I'm going to be honest with you, I give almost any Lora Leigh book 5 stars for erotic content.  The stories are usually more on the 2-3 star side but when I roll it all together, I come out with 4 stars.  This book I thought was particularly deserving of the higher rating because I really enjoyed the mystery/suspense aspect that was interwoven into the plot.

Joe is a DEA Agent, Maggie is his ex-lover who married his best friend and partner.  When the book opens, Joe is watching Maggie be interrogated.  Maggie has been implicated is some drug cartel thing. Here's the kicker, she was implicated by her husband, Joe's former partner/best friend and dead scum bag.  Joe wants to believe that the woman he used to be close to and still can't get out of his system would never do the things she is accused of doing but the bottom line is that Joe doesn't really trust anyone. And that also kind of explains why Joe and Maggies relationship didn't work out on the first go round.  

Maggie is in danger because whether or not she was involved in the drug business, everybody thinks she was and everybody thinks she knows where her dead husband hid something (drugs or money or something, I can't recall at the moment).  Joe, being the upstanding DEA agent he is, volunteers to take Maggie into kind of a bootleg witness protection program where he is going to protect her.  Now at first, I was like ok, Maggs is kinda a slut bag for marrying her exes best friend.  We find out pretty quickly that is totally not what it seems.  Joe's former friend basically tricked Maggie into marrying him.  From that point on, the marriage was not real and Maggie had been miserable.

As for Joe, he's kind of a jerk to Maggie. He vacillates as to whether to believe she is innocent and when he is not doing that he is making inappropriate comments and trying to get her in bed.  Apparently Joe's investigative strategy was to use his intimate knowledge of Maggie to get her to "open up to him" literally and figuratively.  Joe believes that Maggie knows something about her ex husband even if she is not consciously aware of knowing it. Right from the beginning, the chemistry between these two is sizziling hot.  Maggie tries to deny her feelings because the way things ended between her and Joe was not cool but it's difficult to really deny what is obvious.  I wanted these two together and I enjoyed the super fast pace of this pretty short book.  I just felt like Maggie was a little weak and Joe was a little pushy.  I still think this book is highly entertaining, sexy and a fun read. This is something that should add a little spice to your holiday season.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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