
ARC Review: Hooked by Brenda Rothert

Hooked is a standalone story from Brenda Rothert featuring a sexy hockey star and the woman who shakes up his life. I have read and enjoyed books by Brenda Rothert in the past, and I enjoyed Hooked as well. While I didn't absolutely love this story, I did like it.

Miranda is a housekeeper for a hotel, cleaning to pay her way through school. Jake is hockey's bad boy, stuck in a position of keeping the owner of his team happy by dating his daughter, even if it is forced. So when Jake meets Miranda and feels a connection to her, he knows that it is the worst possible timing. If he hopes to keep his job, he can't be caught with Miranda. But the more they get to know each other, the more their feelings grow. When Miranda finds out about Jake's "girlfriend" though, Jake will have to show Miranda that she is the only one he wants.

I liked Jake and Miranda, but this was definitely a case of insta-love. I did feel like they were cute together and I liked seeing them get to know one another. I definitely think that Jake handled things wrong at times though, especially when it came to Hailey. That chick was insane, and honestly the whole situation with her drove me nuts. I did like that Jake was put in his place at times by Miranda though, and I think that she was exactly what he needed. They had chemistry and were cute together, and besides things happening so fast and the stuff with Hailey, I enjoyed their story a lot.

Overall, this was a good book and there were a lot of things that I liked. The story itself was a bit predictable and didn't really break any new ground though. It felt like a lot of other contemporary romances I have read, so while I liked it I didn't love it. I think that if you are looking for something cute and sweet and easy to read, this is one worth giving a shot.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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