
ARC Review: On Thin Ice by Carrie Aarons

I am pretty new to Carrie Aarons, but the two books I have read from her I really enjoyed! So when I saw that she had a new standalone story coming out, I was really excited to read something different from her. On Thin Ice was such a good story, and I didn't want to put it down. This one sucked me right in and I was invested from start to finish. 

After losing her parents to a mysterious death, Camille decides to hide away at her family's home in New York. There she meets Nathan, the groundskeeper of the estate. Though Camille and Nathan live completely different lives, they find themselves drawn to one another. But with a threat growing closer, can Nathan keep Camille safe long enough to see if they could have a future together? 

I really liked these two together. I thought that Nathan was so perfect for Camille. He was super sexy and such a great guy. Kind and caring, he was exactly what Camille needed, and I loved the support he gave her especially with all that was going on. He was impossible not to fall for! Camille on the other hand took a bit of time for me to warm up to. Though she was going through a lot, her attitude was extremely off-putting at the beginning of this story and I really worried that she was going to ruin things for me. But she changed as the story progressed and I think so much of that was because of Nathan. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and I thought that the story was interesting. This one was different and refreshing from what I have read recently. There was plenty of romance and steam, and just enough suspense to keep me flipping the pages. This was different than the previous books I have read from Carrie Aarons, but just as well written as what I have come to expect from her. I definitely recommend this one if you are looking for something with a bit of suspense, and I will absolutely read more from Carrie in the future!

**ARC Provided by Author**

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