
ARC Review: Road to Nowhere by M. Robinson

Road to Nowhere is a spin-off of M. Robinson's The Good Ol' Boys series, but you do not need to have read those books to understand anything here. Fans will recognize Creed from El Diablo and Mia as the only daughter of Bo and Half Pint. While this book stands alone from those books, it does end with a cliffhanger though Robinson assures readers that we wont be left hanging long. I cannot tell you how relieved I am to hear that as I have to know what happens for these two next! 

Creed and Mia meet and their story is set in motion spanning several years. They are 9 years apart in age, though their connection is unlike anything that they have ever felt with anyone else. It is instant and strong, seeing them through many ups and downs. As much as Creed tries to fight it, he knows that his love for Mia is what keeps him going. As the son of the Prez of the Devil's Rejects MC, he knew his life was planned before he was born, but that won't stop him from fighting for what really matters. Mia is determined to show Creed that they belong together despite their differences, but with every step forward they take there seems to be that many more obstacles that threaten to stand in their way. 

I will warn readers that this book will not be for everyone. I mentioned above that these two are 9 years apart in age, but the story starts off with these two meeting when Mia is only nine. Though they meet when she is just a child, their connection grows over time. While I was able to enjoy this story for what it is, I know that some will have a problem with how things progress between these two and the age that they are when that begins to happen. I won't spoil the story by going into detail, but trust me when I tell you that this book is worth the read even knowing that things start off at a young age for Mia. I really felt the connection between these two was real and genuine, and the ages they were didn't play a huge factor in that for me because of what they shared. 

Overall, I couldn't put this book down. It had me right from the start, and I was on the edge of my seat anxious to see how things would play out here. If you have read M. Robinson's books before, you know that she writes books that are edgy and raw, keeping the reader emotionally invested right from the start and that was definitely the case with Road to Nowhere. None of her books have an easy journey for the couple, but I think that is what I love about them. They all feel so real and show that true love is worth every up and down that it takes to get there. Creed and Mia's story is far from over, and I honestly can't wait for more. I love M. Robinson's books, and this one is up there with my favorites from her and I really think that her writing seems to get better with each book. I will be anxiously awaiting the next installment of Creed and Mia's story to see what happens next!

**ARC Provided by Author**

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