
ARC Review: Break Point by Rachel Blaufeld

Break Point was my first book by Rachel Blaufeld, but I was really excited to read it. I had heard so much about her books, and this one sounded like it was right up my alley. I have a thing for forbidden romance stories, so when you have a romance between a tennis player and her coach I am all in. Unfortunately I have mixed feelings on this book, and while I did like a lot of the story there were also things that I had some trouble with.

After a terrible experience at her last school, star tennis player Juliette Smith transfers to a new university. She intends to focus on her classes and tennis, but she soon realizes that her new coach Drew King is a sexy distraction that she had never expected. Things are hot between them until things are suddenly over. Jules is convinced that she needs to be alone, but then Drew reappears bring her past back to her present. But after everything that has happened, Drew will have to work to win her over. 

I have to admit that a part of my struggles here were the characters. While I did like them, they both did things that drove me nuts. Jules annoyed me and frustrated me at times, and I wasn't happy with the way that Drew was at times either. I did like them together, but they had each done things that made it hard for me to feel fully invested in their story. I didn't agree with a lot that happened, which made the strong chemistry between them not enough for me at times. Jules was selfish a lot of the time, and I found it hard to get over something she had done. Drew was a manwhore and it bothered me a bit, but what was the hardest to get over was his attitude about it. There were some things that he said though that just didn't work for me at all, and I really had a hard time getting over them and the things that he did while they were separated. While I don't blame him fully because he couldn't control things that Jules did and he was honest, I just really didn't feel that he was 100% genuine and falling for Jules because of that. 

Besides my struggles and frustrations with the characters though, I did like parts of this story. Drew was intent on winning Jules back and I did like that he didn't give up when Jules was stubborn and pushed him away. She didn't know if she could trust him, but he didn't give up and I liked that about him. I did feel like their chemistry was strong and that they were good together, I just wasn't 100% behind them because of all that happened. I think that there will be a lot of people that will enjoy this story and be able to get beyond some of the things that frustrated me. I recommend giving this one a shot if it sounds like something you might like. I would take a chance on more from Rachel Blaufeld again as I liked her writing style and it was more of the characters that didn't fully win me over here.

**ARC Provided by TRSOR Promotions**

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