
ARC Review: Fury on Fire by Sophie Jordan

Fury on Fire is the third book in Sophie Jordan's Devil's Rock series. I have really enjoyed this series from the start, with its raw and gritty characters and romance. I have to say though that this was my least favorite book in the series, and it felt nothing like the previous books that I had read and loved so much. I'm not really sure what happened here, but I just had a lot of problems here and was barely able to finish it. 

North Callaghan is finally free after spending years in prison. He throws himself into work and the beds of willing women. So when his new neighbor catches his interest, he figures that she is the perfect choice for his next hookup. But Faith Walters is anything but another notch in a bedpost and he is the last man that she should be interested in. But Faith and North find themselves unable to deny the attraction between them. 

I have to say that my biggest issue here with Fury on Fire was the fact that this entire book felt as though the pacing was off. Things were so slow to progress at the beginning, with Faith and North not even really meeting until about 40-50% of the way through. Once they did though, things seemed to move at warp speed, with their relationship progressing from hatred to love almost immediately. I honestly felt like I couldn't keep up, and I had no idea how they got from point A to point B. I saw the attraction, but I really never felt like we got anything more than that. I didn't see their connection or how it formed, and I just didn't really understand how these two could possibly have anything together beyond lust. 

While I did enjoy seeing characters from the previous books, this one was just a miss for me. I wanted to love it as North had intrigued me from previously in the series. But I was really disappointed with his story and the fact that I just couldn't believe in the romance and relationship between him and Faith. I think that there are some that will enjoy this book, but to me it wasn't what I had been hoping for or expecting. I am still a fan of Sophie Jordan's though, and I know I will read more from her in the future. If you are a fan of this series or think it might be one you would like, I recommend you give it a shot as maybe this is just me personally not connecting here.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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Meljprincess said...

Can't wait for this one! This series 'ROCKS'!!

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