
ARC Review: Satisfaction by Lexi Blake

This is the second book in the "Lawless" series.  I read the first book and I think I gave it either 4 or 5 stars.  It was action packed and fast moving and I was really looking forward to getting the story on the next Lawless brother. Lexi Blake is a really good author but I have to admit, I didn't enjoy this installment in the series quite as much as the first one. 

Bran is very different from the Lawless brother who stars in the first novel in this series. Instead of being as heartless as his brother, Bran is a bit more concerned about the havoc the Lawless brothers might visit on innocent bystanders as they seek to avenge the deaths of their parents. Bran is trying to protect Carly from getting trampled by the Lawless revenge plot in the way his Sister in Law once did.  At the same time, if you read the first book, you know that Bran struggles with some issues of his own that he tries to lock down in this book.

Big brother Drew is working on part 2 of the Lawless revenge plan and it involves Carly.  Carly is a divorcee who is trying to protect her little sister from a mess caused by her ex husband.  Drew's plan involves some dating website shenanigans that Bran decides to undercut by approaching Carly directly.  And that is the beginning of a cute but sexy romance.  

I liked Carly's character because she seemed real to me.  She wasn't super confident and that made sense given her life circumstances. She was in minor shock that someone like Bran wanted her but she turns out to be his perfect match. We find out that Bran has been traumatized by something that happened in the past.  As a result, he thinks that he doesn't deserve to be loved.  So if you have read any of my reviews, you know I love a story about redeeming love. That was this book.  Carly basically drags Bran away from all his inner turmoil and shows him that he deserves love and even if he doesn't deserve it, he can't live without Carly.

This was a good book but the issue for me was the comparison between this one and the first one.  The connection between the characters in the book was so intense and the characters were so strong that I kind of expected that in this book.  It didn't happen that way.  There was some hot sex scenes but I definitely didn't feel the compelling connection between Carly and Bran that I was expecting.  Also, in general neither Carly or Bran were the dynamic characters that I was looking forward to seeing in this series.  I was satisfied that the mystery moves forward in this book and there are some new plot twists.  All in all, this was pretty good and I am definitely going to be back for Drew's story in the next book.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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