
ARC Review: Strong Signal by Megan Erickson and Santino Hassell

I have read and enjoyed books from Megan Erickson before, but this was the first book that I have read from Santino Hassell. I really enjoyed Strong Signal, and I thought that these two were a fantastic writing team. Great start to the Cyberlove series, and I am already looking forward to reading more! 

Garrett Reid was counting down the time left of his deployment, while dreading the thought of the job he would have to take once returning to civilian life. But then he met Kai while playing an online game and while they started off as rivals, the two quickly formed a friendship. Soon both of them were counting the minutes before they could talk and see each other online again, with their webcam chats turning from friendly to more. But now that Garrett is headed home, Kai knows that he is nothing like the man that Garrett expects and worries about what Garrett will think when they meet. Garrett has dreamed of what their first meeting will be like, but like the rest of his life it doesn't go as planned and he begins to wonder if the two of them can have a real life connection or if things were best between them online.

I really loved Garrett and Kai. These two were so perfect for one another, despite being so different. They brought out the best in one another, and helped the other just by being themselves. Each one of them was deep and well developed, showing growth and progress throughout the book. I loved seeing both Kai and Garrett moving forward with their lives and becoming who they were supposed to be both as individuals and as a couple. The chemistry between them was there right away, and these two were super hot together! But their connection was so strong and the emotional side of things was what kept me flipping pages here. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. The characters were great as well as the story, and I loved that it was something different and unique from what I have read before. My only criticism is that I felt the ending fell off a bit, and it wasn't quite what I had been hoping for. While I liked how things ended up, it felt a bit cheesy and easy and didn't fully satisfy. But I really loved these two and was so happy to see them get the ending that they each deserved. I have to admit that I am super curious to read the next book, as one of the main characters is one that I wasn't entirely sure of here. I am really looking forward to reading more from both Megan and Santino, both as individual authors and this amazing team they were here. If you are a fan of M/M romance, I definitely recommend checking this one out!

**ARC Provided by Authors**

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