
Sealed With a Kiss Event with Maggie Robinson

Maggie Robinson is a former teacher, library clerk and mother of four who woke up in the middle of the night, absolutely compelled to create the perfect man and use as many adjectives and adverbs as possible doing so. A transplanted New Yorker, she lives with her not-quite perfect husband in Maine, where the cold winters are ideal for staying inside and writing hot historical romances. A two-time Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice nominee, her books have been translated into nine languages.

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I’m so excited to introduce my new Cotswold Confidential series to the world! It’s been a few years coming, with me staying in two charming Cotswold cottages for several months to get the atmosphere just right (Oh, the hardships we authors go through, LOL). The series begins with Schooling the Viscount, wherein Captain Lord Henry Challoner, a wounded young veteran from the Boer and Zulu wars returns to England and can’t make the adjustment to what he sees as “unreal” life. His father sends him to a strict secret spa tucked away in the Gloucestershire countryside, where contact with the outside world is forbidden, and no booze or babes are in sight. Until he stumbles across village schoolteacher Rachel Everett, who knows consorting with the village’s Guests is very much against the rules. But rules are meant to be broken, aren’t they?

If Henry had been able to sneak a letter to Rachel, it might go something like this:

For some reason, I don’t think upstanding Rachel is going to be impressed with this missive.

I’ll give away a signed paperback with no geographical restrictions! If you were sent away to a strange place for a month with no contact with the outside world, what would you miss most?

Check out Henry and Rachel's love story in Schooling the Viscount.

After a harrowing tour of duty abroad, Captain Lord Henry Challoner fought to keep his memories at bay with two of his preferred vices: liquor and ladies. But the gin did more harm than good--as did Henry's romantic entanglements, since he was supposed to be finding a suitable bride. Next stop: The tiny village in Gloucestershire, where Henry can finally sober up without distraction or temptation. Or so he thinks...

A simple country schoolteacher, Rachel Everett was never meant to cross paths with a gentleman such as Henry. What could such a worldly man ever see in her? As it turns out, everything. Beautiful, fiercely intelligent Rachel is Henry's dream woman--and wife. Such a match would be scandalous for his family of course, and Rachel has no business meddling with a resident at the famed, rather draconian, Puddling Rehabilitation Foundation. All the better, for two lost souls with nothing to lose--and oh so very much to gain.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo |

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Print copy of Schooling the Viscount

To Enter: 
  • If you were sent away to a strange place for a month with no contact with the outside world, what would you miss most?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Maggie Robinson for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


May said...

I would miss my phone and my books!

Meljprincess said...

My cats!

:::waving like crazy::: Hi Maggie! We just had a conversation in FB about Saratoga Springs, NY. :-)

Grandma Cootie said...

It would have to be my family, including my extended family on social media. I've become one of those people who can't move away from her phone.

Anonymous said...

I would miss the public library!

Maggie Robinson said...

Yeah, I have been welded to my iPhone.I read somewhere you should plug it into a different room when you go to bed. I keep looking at it in the middle of the night!

Maggie Robinson said...

Indeed we did, and I'm working on my husband for a trip there! I'd miss my dog, even though he sheds like crazy. I'd probably bring lots of dog hair with me, LOL.

Unknown said...

I would miss my kids. My youngest son keeps me on my toes, lol.

Maggie Robinson said...

See above, LOL.I'd miss getting pix of my new granddaughter, who is of course the cutest baby in the world. ;)

Maggie Robinson said...

My last job was as a library clerk. Love love love libraries! Am giving a talk in one next week!

Maggie Robinson said...

Maybe you need a month away, LOL. I talk to my daughters a million times a week. I'd sure miss them too. (My son is not quite so communicative--he's the silent type, like his dad).

LauraJJ said...

Oh I would miss my family the most...and music!!! But...I have to say...the sound of silence sometimes is golden!

Maggie Robinson said...

I was an only child, and I like nothing better than a quiet house.I don't mind being alone--more time for reading and writing!

Carol L. said...

First I'm thrilled Maggie has a new series. I've, love her books. I'd probably miss being able to discuss all the great books I'd be reading. :) Thanks so much for the opportunity to win.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) allow (dot) com

Carol L. said...

First I'm thrilled Maggie has a new series. I've, love her books. I'd probably miss being able to discuss all the great books I'd be reading. :) Thanks so much for the opportunity to win.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) allow (dot) com

Maggie Robinson said...

I'm thrilled too, Carol! Two more books out this year!

K Angeles said...

I would miss my family and friends. It's hard to be away from loved ones.

Mary Preston said...

I would miss loved ones. I assume I can take books with me.

Sue G. said...

I would miss my family. That would be tough for one month to do.

Maggie Robinson said...

I know! My daughter lives in Boston, but thank heavens for FaceTime so I can see my granddaughter wiggle and drool--she's almost 3 months old.

Maggie Robinson said...

I always travel with my Kindle! I'd freak out if I didn't have it.

Maggie Robinson said...

I agree!

Unknown said...

I couldn't be without my favorite people or my books.

Karen H said...

I would miss my books and my internet to watch streaming programs from Amazon and Netflix.

Lilypadchavez said...

Tv!!!! Music!!!

Unknown said...

I would miss my Kindle loaded with great books to read. It shoulda like it would be the perfect time to catch up.

Maggie Robinson said...

Maybe you could bring a book or two!

Maggie Robinson said...

I went to the movies last weekend with 2 of my daughters--the first time in ages sitting in a dark theater. Mostly I watch movies from Netflix and Amazon too.

Maggie Robinson said...

I pretty much stopped watching TV when I started to write. I still love HGTV tho.

Maggie Robinson said...

I won't tell you how many books I've got on my Kindle....

Di said...

if I had books, I'd be fine (as long as I knew it was just for a month)

jmcgaugh said...

Assuming I was sent by myself, I'd miss my husband the most!

Glenda said...

If I were sent alone, I'd miss my husband and my pets. If I had them, I'd miss my books. ;-)

Sharlene said...

Hi Maggie - I might miss my husband. LOL

Tina J said...

I would miss my dogs.

dstoutholcomb said...

my boys


Sunnymay said...

I would miss my family, supply of chocolate and, of course, the cell phone, internet and RV.

Natasha Persaud said...

I would miss everything especially my parents I can't imagineyself isolated from the world for a day much less a month

Maryellen Webber said...

I would miss my son and my cats and my Kindle.

Unknown said...

As much as they drive me crazy and I wish I could have more quite time for books , I would miss my family most of all. Could I maybe get a few days? With books in my suitcase of course :)

Lynn R. said...

Playing chamber music and my friends (in no particular order there). My friend's cats. I'm sure there are more things I'd miss, but those three are off the top of my head. Thanks for the opportunity to meet a new-to-me author!!

Nova said...

my kids, my boyfriend & my dog would be what i miss most.
i talk to or see all of them every day, so that would be weird. and probably lonely. interesting question.
sparkle40175 AT hotmail DOT com

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