
ARC Review: His Custody by Tamsen Parker

His Custody is the first book I have read from Tamsen Parker, but it definitely won't be my last. I didn't know what I was in for having never read anything from Tamsen Parker before, but I really enjoyed this book and I am already looking forward to reading more from her. His Custody had angst and emotion, and was a bit on the forbidden side giving me a bit of everything I look for in a good romance. 

Keyne had everything until it all fell apart. Getting ready to start her senior year, Keyne finds herself suddenly in the custody of Jasper, her boyfriend's older brother. Though Jasper is rough around the edges and doesn't want the role of guardian, he knows that he needs to protect Keyne after everything that she has been through. But the more they are around each other, the more each of them feel things for one another that they know they shouldn't. Keyne needs someone to take care of her and keep her in line, but Jasper could find himself in trouble if he gives in to his desires and what he knows that Keyne really needs.

I really loved Jasper and Keyne. Jasper was strict and all alpha, while also being really caring. He genuinely wanted to help Keyne even though he really had no interest in being her guardian. You could tell just how much he cared though, and I loved him for it. I loved how him and Keyne interacted and how their connection and attraction built over the course of this story. Keyne had been through so much, and she needed Jasper. He was perfect for her and these two just seemed meant for one another. They had a lot to overcome and that threatened to stand in their way, but I really enjoyed seeing how they handled everything that came their way. 

This book really was an emotional ride that I felt truly invested in while reading. I wanted so much for these two and I was just hoping that everything would work out the way I wanted it to for them. Jasper was a bit dark and had his Dom side, but the fact that he was caring and considerate was what had me falling for him. Like I said before, this was my first read by Tamsen, but I am already anxious to read more from her. If you are looking for something that has angst and emotion with a great story to the romance, this is definitely one that I would recommend checking out.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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