
ARC Review: Hold Me Down by Sara Taylor Woods

Calling all readers who are into BDSM and erotic content, this book is for YOU. This book is also for those of you who like in depth character exploration. If you are into books where characters find themselves, you just must meet Talia.

Talia is a 20 year old college student when she meets 27 year old doctoral student Sean. Talia is the first orthodox Jewish character I've read about in a book and I gotta say I really enjoyed that. Talia observes a number of religious rituals that are relevant to her self exploration as a sexual being and a masochist. I know it seems like these things would be unrelated but somehow the author wove them together.

Talia knows that she associates pain with sexual arousal. She had a bad experience when she tried to express those feelings so she hides them. The interesting thing is that Talia is not just hiding from other people, she has been hiding from herself. She is so convinced that what she wants is wrong that she won't even let herself acknowledge it. Sean sees right through Talia's disguise though. I think almost from the first meeting he gets that Talia is a masochist and a sexual submissive. Sean does little things to help Talia see who she is and also to see that what she wants is not deviant but is possible.

I don't know much about Sean which is one of the reasons this book is not a five star read for me. I don't like reading books that are written in only one POV and this one is all from Talia's POV. As a result of that, it was hard for me to get a feel for Sean. In my mind there isn't a romance in this book. Sean is more of a prop in Talia's journey toward self discovery. 

The erotic content in this book will leave you panting and fanning yourself because OMG it was super hawt. I loved watching Talia learned how to accept herself and then to stand up for herself. Especially to her father who was a jackass. Even though the sex in this book is really grown up, Talia being such a young character had a lot of young character issues. I'm not into the NA genre so that dulled my enthusiasm somewhat for this book. But if you like YA or NA this will be a particularly strong read for you. I would recommend this for any erotic romance reader.

**ARC provided by InkSlinger PR**

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