
ARC Review: A Moment of Madness by Brooklyn Skye

I'm almost positive I read the first book in this series. I don't have a very specific memory but I recall thinking it was pretty good. I probably did not like this book as much because it stumbled on one of the things I can't stand- a clueless heroine.

Ok so Sailor gets the bright idea to return to her Father's bar to "take over" after he passes away. Slight problem. Sailor left home when she was 18. She was a super wild teenager and went out to sew her wild oats. Or get some oats sewn....I don't know. Whatever the case may be, her Father passes away and Sailor decides to go back to Boston and claim his bar. Her idea is to save up some cash and use it to buy out the owner. By the way, the owner is Ryan. Ryan has been running the bar for years and it was left to him by Sailor's Father. Ryan is a good guy who really loved Sailor's Father.

Sailor and Ryan meet totally by accident. To make a long story short, the two wind up having a one night stand. They are extremely attracted to one another. While the chemistry was strong, it did not go over well when Sailor marched into Ryan's bar and told him she was there to claim it. Ryan had heard of Sailor as the wild child who left her sick Dad. The minute he finds out that Sailor is the hot Sailor he met before, all the chemistry goes poof. Suddenly Sailor finds herself just begging Ryan for a job so she can stay near the memories of her Father. Ryan agrees ad the chemistry quickly reappears between the two. Eventually it all gets worked out.

My issue is that I just felt like Sailor was stupid. I have no idea why she thought Ryan would just give her his bar for almost no money. It was a source of continuous aggravation to me. After Sailor and Ryan start working together, I liked seeing them together but Sailor still irritated me. She is supposed to be quirky but she comes across more as kind of flighty and I just wasn't into it. The sex scenes are ok. Nothing world changing but a solid ok. In the end, the romance works but it just wasn't my favorite story.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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