
Guest Post with Author Lauren Smith and Giveaway

Amazon Best-Selling Author Lauren Smith is an attorney by day, author by night, who pens adventurous and edgy romance stories by the light of her smart phone flashlight app. She’s a native Oklahoman who lives with her three pets: a feisty chinchilla, sophisticated cat and dapper little schnauzer. She’s won multiple awards in several romance subgenres including being an Breakthrough Novel Award Quarter-Finalist and a Semi-Finalist for the Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley Award.

Twitter Bios and Tweets from Jared and Felicity of Legally Charming

Sometimes when I write stories I love to picture what my characters would be doing or saying on social media. My favorite thing to do is play around with their “twitter bios” and tweets as if they were real people. So here’s what my hero Jared and my heroine Felicity would like like if they were tweeting during the course of Legally Charming!

Jared Redmond - @HotShotLawyer28 – Real Estate Lawyer, workaholic, believes chivalry still exists

Felicity Hart - @Artobsessedchick- Art lover, hopeful museum curator-to-be, small town girl in a big city!

Tweets From Felicity

“So excited to host a costume party with my bff @LaylaCrazygirl tonight! I’m wearing a princess gown from the Tudor era! #swoon”

“Calling an early night since I have to turn in a research paper tomorrow. Good thing I can crash in Layla’s boyfriend’s older brother’s room while he’s out of town on business. #sleepingalone”

“OMG! Man came into my room last night, er…his room. Turns out Jared Redmond, Layla’s boyfriend’s older brother is EFFING HAWT. Totally slept in his bed last night and he was a gentleman.”

“Spending a day with @HotShotLawyer28 Can’t believe he’s going to an art gallery with me. Every time he touches me, I get dizzy in the best way.”

“I think I’m falling hard for @HotShotLawyer28 but I’m moving out of state if I get my dreamjob.  But I don’t want to leave him and my heart behind.”

Tweets from Jared

“Fu** long day at the office, heading home early from my trip to crash. Hope little brother @TannerRedmond kept the place quiet so I can get some sleep tonight.”

“What the hell? There’s a princess in my bed. An actual princess…and man she’s gorgeous, like straight out of a wet dream. I have to stay in control.”

“Slept with princess last night, just slept and it was good. Waking up with her in my arms, all sweet and shy was effing amazing. Going to ask her out. Can’t let her go. #fallingforaprincess.”

“Saw art with @Artobsessedchick today and she showed me so much that I’d be missing out on while being obsessed with work. Luv this girl. Wait…luv? Yeah…luv her. But too afraid to admit it.”

“Can’t live in a world without @Artobssessedchick. Somehow she’s my everything and I’d do anything to be with her.”


Felicity Hart has one goal: Completing her masters in art. Falling in love isn’t part of the plan. She reluctantly agrees to attend a Halloween party with her best friend. After sneaking away from the party and falling asleep in an unoccupied room, she wakes to the sexiest pair of eyes she’s ever seen. Eyes that belong to the one man who could turn her well organized world upside down. When he flashes that wicked, panty-melting smile at her the vow to not fall in love seems impossible…


Jared Redmond used to be the ultimate bad boy. But now his legal career is taking off and the partners of his firm are trusting him with high-dollar real estate transactions. Jared’s king-size bed is empty. But when he arrives home on Halloween to find a princess sleeping in his bed – his all work and no play attitude goes out the window. There’s nothing he wants more than to explore the hidden desires of this mysterious beauty and show her just how much of a bad boy he really is by fulfilling her every fantasy.


Underneath the glitter of this fairy tale romance, Felicity and Jared might have found true love. But the mounting pressure of their real lives takes hold again and Jared and Felicity are pulled further and further apart. Can they find their fairy tale ending or will they be left with the dying embers of what could have been?

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes |

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $25 Amazon Gift Card

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  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Lauren Smith & Barclay Publicity for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Carol L. said...

Wow, I love this just from the excerpt & tweets. Can't wait to read it.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Maria said...

I enjoyed reading the excerpt - this sounds like a fun book. I tried pinning the image but it never showed so I couldn't pin it....

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