
ARC Review: Hard Ball by Heather Stone

Hard Ball is my first book by Heather Stone, and it was an enjoyable read. This one was quick and sweet, and I think a lot of readers will enjoy this one. While I did like this one, there were a few issues here for me. But I am interested in reading more from Heather Stone after reading Hard Ball.

Cole is used to living the dream, getting to play the game he loves for a living and getting the girls that go along with that. But when he gets hurt, his best friend Mackenzie goes to stay with him to help him recover. Kenzie knows exactly how Cole is, though she has always been there for him no matter what. But now that they are around each other more, they suddenly start to see each other in a completely new way.

I liked these two a lot. I felt their connection was real and genuine, and ran deep. They also had great chemistry and were super sexy together. I liked that they were sweet as well, and I just really felt like these two fit well together. 

Being a novella though, this one was short and there wasn't a lot of angst or conflict here and I with there would have been a bit more depth to the story overall. I also thought that the pacing was a bit off at times, with things feeling rushed and a bit instant. I do think that Heather Stone is an author worth taking a chance on though, and I would read more from her in the future.

**ARC Provided by Give Me Books**

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