
ARC Review: Holding Fire by April Hunt

This is not at all a book that I love. I think if you are into the action romance genre and you don't care about erotic content, this might be a good pick for you though.

Elle is supposed to be a character who has taken everything sitting down up until she has an epiphany in life and decides to take charge of her life. In futherance of her new and improved "take charge" mission, Elle volunteers as a nurse in Thailand. While on that trip she meets Trey and has the best most mind blowing night of her life. Trey is a big bad alpha hero who is sick and tired of one night stands. Even though he dives into bed with Elle the first day he meets her, somewhere in that first night he decides that he wants more than one night. But surprise! Elle is the one who wants just one night. She is in the middle of doing the morning after slip out when Trey catches her. He's in the process of trying to convince her to give him more than one night when things go crazy.

Suddenly Elle and Trey find themselves under attack. It turns out that Elle is being hunted by people seeking to influence her senator Father. As coincidence would have it, Trey is a part of the Alpha rescue squad that was sent to protect Elle. He didn't know that when he slept with her but Elle spends the rest of the book wondering if Trey slept with her just to get close to her for the mission. Elle and Trey are forced to remain together after returning stateside when Elle's life is repeatedly threatened. Trey takes the opportunity to try to convince Elle to give a real relationship a chance. Elle, however, can't have babies and she doesn't think Trey will want to be with her after learning that so she keeps ducking him.

Ok, several issues with this one. First, I hate an omniscient, omnipresent enemy. No matter how far Elle ran or where she went, the dude with the scar on his face kept finding her. Like, how are you being protected in a hidden mountain compound and crazy stalker dude still finds you? Second, there is no sex in this book and I do NOT understand that. This book gives you all the sexy vibes and constantly tells you the characters are getting it on but then nothing. No naked, sweaty, bumping and grinding, just nothing. Also, Elle and her refusal to consider a relationship starts off noble and then gets super tiring. Trey is too much of the bossy alpha male, to the point where he's more of a caricature. And, did I mention there is no sex?

I found a lot of the action in this book tedious because it didn't help move the relationship forward. It's not a bad book, but it just didn't have enough of what I look for in my action romance reads.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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