
ARC Review: Low Blow by Kristen Hope Mazzola

Low Blow is the fourth installment in Kristen Hope Mazzola's Shots on Goal series. Each book is a standalone story, so don't worry about jumping in here if you haven't read any or all of the previous books in this series. While I have liked things about each of these books, I have also had some mixed feelings on them as well. Low Blow was no different, and while I wanted to love this one there were some things that just didn't work for me.

Griff got a heart transplant when he was 16 that saved his life. Years later he knows that something is missing from his life and he knows that he needs to meet the daughter of the man that saved him with his heart. Olive is a mechanic and as soon as they meet, it is clear that they have a connection. 

This were pretty instant between these two, but I did really like them together. I felt like they fit well with one another, and the chemistry between Griff and Olive was really strong. I loved the secondary characters and how they were accepting and welcoming, it really just felt right between these two. But I will say that things happened really quickly and at times things did feel rushed. I would have liked to have seen a bit more depth at times. 

There were some thoughts and conversations here that were a bit odd for me, and if I am honest took me out of the story a bit. They just kind of had that ick factor that made me stop and ended up distracting me from the story and the connection that these two had. Again I did like the story and the characters, I just wish that a few things had been different because I really think that had it not been for those and the rushed pace at times that I would have loved this one. I think that this is worth reading, and if you are looking for a quick sports romance this is one that you might want to check out.

**ARC Provided by L. Woods PR**

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