
My Favorite Things Event with Melissa Marino

Melissa Marino is a full-time writer and part-time Storm Trooper collector. When she’s not writing, you can find her watching Friends reruns, mastering her cupcake frosting swirl and hunting for the perfect red lipstick.

Melissa lives in Chicago with her husband, son and very opinionated dachshund.

So many thanks to the RFTC blog for asking me to participate in the anniversary party! Without further ado, here are a few of my favorite things. (Did anyone else just break into song and start twirling around when they read ‘here are a few of my favorite things?’ I might have, maybe, after I typed it.)

1. My kiddo. What can I say about my amazing, brave 12 year old nugget? He’s just rad, and is my number one favorite thing. Diagnosed with Autism at 2 years old, this kid has fought his way from being non-verbal and a multitude of other issues, to being completely mainstreamed this year in 6th grade. He is kind, and so very funny. Plus, he has such a compassionate old-soul that makes him radiate light to all those around him. I’m a lucky Mama. 

2. Storm Troopers. How’s that for switching gears? Yes. My love for Storm Troopers, and all things Star Wars is immense. My collection decorates every area of my home, and I have more t-shirts with Storm Troopers on them than most people have just t-shirts in general. **pew pew**

3. Lipstick. (And glosses, but that’s a given obviously.) In my author bio it says, “Hunting for the perfect red lipstick” and that is very true. I’m fairly certain I’ve found it along the way, but always think there might be something a *bit* better. I mean, that is just how life goes, right? On regular days, I’m usually in some sort of nude lip and that collection is…large. The photo shows just what was in my purse, and close by to grab. We all have our thing, right?

4. My puppy. Okay, so she’s not exactly a puppy anymore at 3, but she’s still my puppy. Lucy was a rescue I got at just a few months old and boy has she given me a lot to love about her. She is high-maintenance, moody and just an all around Diva. I even call her Beyoncé often because she walks with a swagger, and doesn’t have a fark to give about anything. So, what do I love? All those things. She is my constant companion, and makes me laugh everyday with her shenanigans, but everything that makes her difficult is what makes her MINE. Plus…she’s super cute, right? 

Thank you again for letting me come celebrate and dish on a few of my favorite things!

Fate has a wicked sense of humor.

Alexis's new life was made up of two things: baking and hiding the details of her old life in Chicago. The first allowed her to finally find some happiness. And the second is about to be destroyed by a man who knows all her secrets.

Marshall Rawlins was prepared to do anything when he moved cross-country to launch an upscale cocktail bar---anything except work with Alexis, his best friend and business partner's ex-wife. Adding Alexis's boozy-baked goods to his menu would be a major feat for his bar. But striking a deal means getting in bed with the enemy.

Battling between distrust and desire, Alexis and Marshall give in to a passionate, forbidden affair. They know if they're discovered the consequences would be bad---it's just hard to remember that when being together feels so, so good.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo |

Check out the Bad Behavior series:

Up for Grabs:
  • 1 eBook copy of So Twisted and So Screwed

To Enter:
  • Please leave a comment or question for Melissa.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter.

**Don't forget to enter our grand prize giveaway!**

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Melissa Marino for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


erin said...

ooh... Your "babies" are adorable!!! This series sounds fabulous! Thanks for sharing!

Dee said...

First of all: Happy Easter, Melissa. Thanks for sharing your favorite list; your kid and puppy look so adorable! :)

Nancy Jones said...

Happy Easter and my favorite thing is my dog Toby.

Melissa said...

Thank you!

Melissa said...

Happy Easter to you! Thank you :)

Melissa said...

Aren't dogs the best? Happy Easter!

Glenda said...

Love all the things on your list --- except maybe the red lipstick. ;-) Adorable 'babies'!

Unknown said...

You're a new author for me! I can't wait to try one of your novels. Happy Easter🐰🐣

Joanne B said...

Beautiful kiddo and pup. Love the list.

Sue G. said...

Congrats to your son for all he has achieved! That is so awesome! Love the lipstick collection. I'm like that with nail polish! Love the names to your books! So fun...adding them to my list to try out!

Melissa said...

Thank you :)

Melissa said...

Yay!! Thank you! Hope you had a wonderful Easter :)

Melissa said...


Melissa said...

Oh my nail polish collection is something to be seen as well--Not as bad as lipstick, but it's alway my "impulse" purchase! Thank you :)

Maureen said...

That's a great list. Congratulations to your son on all his success.

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