
My Favorite Things Event with Mia Sheridan

Mia Sheridan is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling author. Her passion is weaving true love stories about people destined to be together. Mia lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband. They have four children here on earth and one in heaven. 

Mia's Favorite Things

1. Love stories. I guess it's no surprise that one of my very favorite things has always been a good love story. One that can move mountains, and change the world, and inspire, and uplift. But I don't just mean romantic love - it can be any kind of love: the love of a mother for her child, the transformative love of self, the connection between siblings, and the deep bond between friends. I believe that the old saying is true: love really does make the world go 'round.

2. Laughter. There is nothing that heals the soul quite like a good belly laugh, especially among trusted friends. :D

3. Being warm and cozy inside when it's cold outside. Especially if there's a warm fire involved and a glass of red wine!

4. Going to sleep at night knowing you don't have to get up at any specific time in the morning. Ahhhhh! Heaven.

5. Fresh flowers. Especially if they're cut from my own garden.

When Bree Prescott arrives in the sleepy, lakeside town of Pelion, Maine, she hopes against hope that this is the place where she will finally find the peace she so desperately seeks. On her first day there, her life collides with Archer Hale, an isolated man who holds a secret agony of his own. A man no one else sees.

Archer's Voice is the story of a woman chained to the memory of one horrifying night and the man whose love is the key to her freedom. It is the story of a silent man who lives with an excruciating wound and the woman who helps him find his voice. It is the story of suffering, fate, and the transformative power of love.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | Book Depository |

Up for Grabs:
  • 1 Indie copy of Archer's Voice

To Enter:
  • Please leave a comment or question for Mia.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter.

**Don't forget to enter our grand prize giveaway!**

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Mia Sheridan for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Tandi Cortez said...

I'm super excited to read this book! Looks interesting! :D

Landslide said...

Love the cover!!!

Sue G. said...

Great list! I already have this book so I'm not entering but thanks!

Carol L. said...

Sounds like a great read to me. I agree with your favs. Laughter is the best in every day life.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Maureen said...

That list was great. Love flowers.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the chance!

Marcy Meyer said...

Love your favorites Mia! I love staying in when it's cold outside to, and love stories are the best! This indie paperback is a unicorn for me! I loved the story and love the cover SO much! Thanks for this awesome giveaway chance!

Nancy Jones said...

I am looking forward to reading this one.

Latifa Morrisette said...

Love your books. Looking forward to reading more!

Pam said...

I absolutely loved Archer's Voice! And it's the book that I can't help recommending whenever someone asks for a recommendation! :)

Unknown said...

Oh yes, going to sleep without having to set an alarm clock... heaven!

Frances B. said...

I would love to own this in print. I already have the e-book and think it's fantastic! Thanks for the opportunity. :)

Betul E. said...

Archer's Voice is one of my all time favorite books!!

Beautiful Disaster said...

I enjoy all your favorites as well as crafting, gardening, and sewing.

Carissa said...

sounds good

Joanne B said...

I love your favorite things list and I agree with them all. Love the book cover. There's something sexy about a man's back.

veRONIca said...

I love being warm and cozy by a fireplace too, especially in the winter :)

Unknown said...

Loved Archer's Voice so much!

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