
ARC Review: Dr. OB by Max Monroe

This is my first Max Monroe book, but I have heard great things, and this book sounded like one I would really love. Unfortunately this was not what I had hoped for, and to be honest I was disappointed with the story. Not only did I struggle getting into the book itself, but I struggled with the characters themselves. 

Dr. Will Cummings agreed to be a part of a docuseries about his career in Obstetrics, but what he thought was a serious show was anything but. When it aired, it became clear that those behind the show had set out to mislead the audience and capture every bit of flirting and any behavior that could possibly cross the lines leading to him being referred to as Dr. Obscene. So when Melody finds herself back at home and looking for a job, not having seen the show she lands the job as his office is tired of women applying for the nursing position just to get a crack at Dr. Obscene. But can Will prove to Melody that he is more than Dr. Obscene after she sees what he is like on air? 

I had some issues with both Will and Melody. Melody was hard to like at times, doing things that made absolutely no sense at all. She was a bit immature and she also wasn't great with communication. She forgave too easily at times for my taste, and honestly she just irritated me at others. Will was sweet and I loved that he paid attention to what Melody liked and things that were important to her. But he also caused problems for me here. He lied to Melody about something that I felt was important, and then blew it off as though it was no big deal. (which was made worse when she forgave him for it as if it were such) I just felt like these two acted far younger than their ages and frankly it drove me nuts. I hated that he had lied to her and that she forgave him, but I also really hated that she sat through what had to have been one of the most awkward and hurtful things I can think of when it comes to a new relationship and that it was all resolved as easily as it was.

I also felt like this story was just a bit too over the top at times for my taste, as though the humor was trying too hard. While I found a bit of it funny, some things just seemed to be overdone and that had me putting this book down and not wanting to pick it back up. I did end up finishing, though it took me a few days when I normally am a quick reader. The only reason this one was 3 stars for me was because I did finish when I wanted to give up a few times. There was something telling me I needed to finish it, though it was just okay in the end. While I have heard great things about Max Monroe's books, I might wait a bit to check out more and see if maybe this is just me. If this one sounds like something you might like, you might give it a go. For me though, this just wasn't what I had been hoping for.

**ARC Provided by Author**

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