
ARC Review: Lessons in Losing It by Jessica Peterson

I have loved this series from the beginning! Jessica Peterson was a new to me author when I started the Study Abroad books, but I can honestly say that I have enjoyed each book as much if not more than the last. Lessons in Losing It was so bittersweet for me because while I loved the story, I was sad to reach the end of this series that has been so great from start to finish. If you like NA stories, this series is one I highly recommend.

Fred and Rachel meet in Madrid, both there for different reasons. While Fred isn't from Madrid, he has adopted it as his own and doesn't plan to leave. His soccer career is taking off, and he knows that he wants to stay and play in Madrid. The only thing missing is the girl to share his life with. Rachel is studying abroad with only a few weeks left before she returns home to the US to start her dream internship. So while they know that their futures are leading to two separate paths, they can't help the attraction between them or the fact that they can't seem to stay away from each other. But what will happen when Rachel has to return home and Fred stays in Madrid?

I loved these two so much. They had such a great connection and were just perfect for one another. They were sweet and cute, but also had so much steam between them too. I loved their interactions and couldn't get enough of them. I think what I loved the most was how genuine and real these two were. Fred was a bit awkward and kind of dorky in the best way, but he was just a great guy. He was looking for someone that would be other half and that he could have a lasting relationship with. Who wouldn't want a guy like that? Rachel was strong and determined, and she was just what Fred was looking for even if she was set on returning home and didn't want to be anything more than friends with Fred. I loved that they couldn't stop it though as what they had was so strong. 

Overall, a great ending to this series. It was fun and sexy, sweet and emotional. Just a well balanced read with everything you could want in a great story. I have loved seeing each of the characters from this series get their story, and with the end of this story it was so nice to see how everything had turned out. I genuinely enjoyed each book and this series is one that I think NA fans definitely need to read. Each book stands alone, but the entire series is one worth reading and is best experienced in order if possible. Jessica Peterson is an author that I have come to enjoy and look forward to, and I am excited to read more from her in the future.

**ARC Provided by Author**

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