
ARC Review: Roar by Cora Carmack

I don't read a ton of fantasy books, but when I saw the cover for Cora Carmack's Roar I knew I had to read it. I didn't even read the blurb, I just added to my TBR. Once I started reading this story though, I was instantly drawn in and didn't want to put it down. This was a great first book in the Stormheart series, and I am looking forward to reading more. 

Aurora comes from an old Stormling family, and as the sole heir of Pavon has been groomed to rule. But she doesn't have any storm magic, so her mother decides that an arranged marriage is the perfect solution. Prince Cassius is chosen as he has the ability to help her protect her people with the magic she lacks, but Aurora doesn't want to marry him the more she learns about him. So when she stumbles upon a black market selling storm magic and she meets a handsome storm hunter that was born without magic and now has it, she realizes that she just might have another option. 

Roar is on the YA side, and at times the characters definitely act like it. While I did like them, I felt like a lot of what they did was stereotypical childish behavior and at times that annoyed me a bit. I still liked the characters and was interested in seeing how things would play out though and luckily it didn't deter me from continuing on. I really liked the interactions between Rora and Locke, and it was what had me really enjoying this book. Their banter was great, and I didn't want to stop reading once I had started. While things were definitely on the insta-love side, I felt like they had a great connection. I will say though that Cassius also felt like he could definitely be an option for Rora, with the tension between them leading up to a possible triangle in the next book. I'm not entirely sure where I stand yet on that side of things, but the one thing I am sure of is that I can't wait to find out what happens next. 

As this is the first book in a fantasy series, there is a bit of world building that sometimes can drag the story down a bit. But I found this world fascinating and it wasn't too much to get through. Cora Carmack has created a unique and captivating world, full of interesting characters and I am absolutely looking forward to more. If you are a fan of fantasy novels, you will definitely want to give this one a shot. Even if you aren't a big fantasy fan though, I think that a lot of readers will really enjoy this story and it is one I would recommend.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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InkSlinger PR said...

Thank you so much! ~Jessica, InkSlinger PR

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