
Guest Post with Author Ava Claire and Giveaway

Ava Claire is a sucker for Alpha males and happily ever afters. When not putting pen to paper or glued to her Kindle, Ava likes road tripping, watching an unhealthy amount of Netflix, karaoke and vintage fashion.

Hopefully y'all don't think I'm too random, but I'm about to throw it alllll the way back to the beginning of the year. That special time filled with confetti and noisemakers, fresh starts with resolutions and 'Auld Lang Syne'.

That's right...I'm talking about New Year's.

My latest, The Sweetest Jerk Series, opens with a few minutes until midnight. Natalee Madison is still reeling from her breakup with her cheating ex fiancé, but a sultry dress and the promise of new beginnings has her ripe for the taking when she meets a man at the bar who looks at her like they're the only two people in the room...

Which brings me to my question: what's your most romantic New Year's memory? For me, it would have to be the first New Year's I spent with my boyfriend. Everything was perfect: I wore this incredible merlot colored, off shoulder dress. We had reservations at this yummy restaurant, with plans to attend a party and dance until midnight and beyond.

My stomach had been a little off all day, but I chalked it up to nerves or eating something that didn't agree with me. Unfortunately, I had eaten something that didn't agree with me...and our dinner was cut short because I had food poisoning.

We headed back to the hotel and he took care of me, holding my hair back, ginger ale, saltines...and at midnight, he pressed his lips against my temple and whispered "Happy New Year, baby."

Luckily, I didn't scare him off lol. And New Year's #2 was pretty spectacular, without the whole food poisoning thing.

How about y'all? What's your most romantic New Year's Eve memory? Or your favorite New Year's Eve memory?

New Year’s Resolution: No. More. Jerks.

Natalee Madison's life is finally on the upswing. Her business, Madison Creations, is finally gaining traction, and if she slays a high profile wedding, she could be catapulted to heights she's only dreamt of.

She doesn't do dating and it suits her just fine, because she ends it before things get complicated.

And then she sees his face.

Jason Cox.

The best man.

And based on their last run in, the biggest jerk alive.

He's dangerous. Lethal for her 'no complications' approach to men, since he's the one that inspired the approach in the first place.

But when she looks into his eyes, she knows that some rules are meant to be broken…

Billionaire Jackson Colt has success, wealth, power and a presence that makes his competitors tremble with fear. Beneath the armor is a man with a dark and painful past. A man with a heart that he guards by any means necessary.

As far as Sadie McLeod is concerned, 'escort' isn't a bad word. It's a job, one of two that she works to pay off a debt that is not her own. Tough as nails and far from a damsel in distress, love is a luxury she can't afford.

Can they put aside their dark pasts and find the love they both desperately want, underneath it all?

The Sweetest Jerk Part One

The Sweetest Jerk Part Two

The Sweetest Jerk Part Three

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Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $25 Amazon Gift Card
  • 1 Digital set of The Sweetest Jerk series

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  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Ava Claire & Author's Pal for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
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Sue G. said...

Every year we host the New Year's Eve party so there are a lot of fun memories. It first started out all our friends....then friends and their it's our kids with their significant others. NYE 2016-2017 my oldest got engaged around 8:00 pm in front of our house. Her BF didn't want to do it at midnight when everyone does it, he wanted to be different!

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