
Guest Post with Author Mira Lyn Kelly and Giveaway

USA Today bestselling author Mira Lyn Kelly grew up in the Chicago area and earned her degree in fine arts from Loyola University. She met the love of her life while studying abroad in Rome, Italy, only to discover he’d been living right around the corner from her. They live in rural Minnesota.

On Second Chances…

The sound caught Max square in the chest, busting open the vault where he’d kept the memory of it tucked away, along with the feel of her hair between his fingers, and the taste of her lips. The way she’d shuddered in his arms that one time—

Little secret for you, I’m a sucker for second chances. Particularly the sneaky kind. The non-traditional second chance stories where once upon a time our couple had a window, a moment, a beat in time where everything slowed and it seemed like just maybe... But for whatever reason, something got in they way. It could have been a buddy or (as in Max’s case from THE WEDDING DATE BARGAIN) a good intention.

Who was this woman, and what had she done to that too-sweet, too-agreeable girl whose easy acceptance of his last dictate had been the harbinger of the worst years of his life?

Whatever the case, the little maybe that might have been can have some serious staying power. And years later, still be lying in wait for the opportunity to get things right. And that moment, the one where opportunity is recognized, is one of my very favorite to play with. What makes it so much fun? Our hero and heroine know each other. Sure some things change, but not who those characters are at their core. This could-have-been couple knows what it’s like to miss something they never really had. They’ve spent too many nights wondering what might have happened if things had gone another way. And because this is a romance novel we’re talking about rather than a romance paragraph, lol, they’re going to have a whole new slew of issues to overcome in order to score that hard earned happily ever after!

One kiss, and she was alive.
One kiss, and she was hungry.
One kiss, and it was like time had folded back on itself and they were in her apartment, drowning in the rising need between them.

But it’s going to be worth it!! I promise, lol :-)

Sarah’s to-do list:
Buy killer black dress
Lose virginity

When Sarah Cole has two months to kill before her big move to New York, she decides it's time to take care of a few things―like the inconvenient issue of her virginity. Sarah knows the right guy for the job too: Max, the notorious lady's man she's been crushing on since college.

Two weeks of courting, and then the deed will be done. The plan is so simple. There's no way either of them would do something as silly as fall in love...

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes | Kobo |

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Print copy of May the Best Man Win

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Good Luck!

Special thanks to Sourcebooks for sponsoring this giveaway.
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Mira Lyn Kelly said...

Thanks so much for having me over today!! ((hugs)) Mira

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