
ARC Review: Recluse by Jaycee Ford

Recluse is the first book that I have ever read from Jaycee Ford, and it is also the first book in her Spider series. While I knew this was part of a series, I had no idea that this one ended with a cliffhanger. It took me by surprise and honestly this book went in a completely different direction that I expected. I'm sure I'll read the next one to see what happens, but I'm a bit skeptical after feeling blindsided here since the blurb gave no hint that this book wasn't a standalone story. 

After losing her husband Mike, Grace finds herself struggling just like his best friend Wyatt is as well. The more time they spend together, the closer they become. But can the let go of the past and see where things go? And what happens when they find themselves in danger? 

A huge part of my having mixed feelings here is due to the characters. I felt like there was too much going on at times and not enough focus on Wyatt and Grace. There were so many details and so much time spent on Wyatt's past sex life that I just never really felt fully invested in these two. I don't feel like we really got to know them as I would have liked and that made it hard to connect to them and their story.

I also was pretty confused at times with all that was going on and the secondary characters. There were times that things just didn't make sense or were hard to follow. I think that this story has promise and I was interested to see how things would play out, but I am just hoping that things won't be drawn out for too long. At this point I don't know how many books are planned or when we will get resolution, but I will read the next book. I'm really hoping that there will be more focus on Wyatt and Grace in the next book as well as just the murder.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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