
ARC Review: Swept Into Love by Melissa Foster

Swept Into Love is the fifth Ryders book by Melissa Foster, with these also being set in her Love in Bloom world. Each book is a standalone story though, so don't worry if you haven't read the previous books. I love these books so much, and it is so much fun to get to know each of the characters through the interconnected books and I recommend reading them in order though it isn't necessary. Each book is such a great read though and Melissa Foster never disappoints. 

Sally lost her husband years ago, leaving her to raise her son alone. Her rock has been her best friend Gage, and while there has been something simmering between them, they have never gone there. But with her son headed to college and Sally and Gage off to open a new youth center together, they find themselves unable to fight what has been growing between them. But could one night together be the start of their future together, or could it ruin their friendship altogether. 

I love Melissa's heroes, and Gage is one of my favorites yet! He definitely made me swoon with his sweetness and how sexy he was. He was kind and caring and really patient, there wasn't a single thing I didn't like about him. Sally had been through a lot and was afraid to have something with Gage because of her guilt of moving on. I understood that and I was glad that she had Gage. He was exactly what she needed, and these two were so great together. There was chemistry between them and you could feel the attraction. But their connection was what made them special, and you could see that it was such a foundation for a future because they had grown so close over a period of time. This wasn't something instant, and it had developed naturally making it seem that much more real and believable. 

Overall, another great read from Melissa Foster. She just seems to get better with each book she writes! I love these books so much and if you are a contemporary romance fan you need to be reading Melissa Foster's books. She is definitely the queen of contemporary and I can't recommend her books enough. If it has her name on it, it automatically gets added to my TBR list. Swept Into Love was fantastic and is definitely at the top of my list of favorites from her to date.

**ARC Provided by Tasty Book Tours**

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Melissa Foster said...

I am so honored--what kindness! I'm so happy you love my books so much. Thank you for an amazing review XOXO

Tasty Book Tours said...

Thank you for sharing your fabulous review! Queen of that!

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