
ARC Review: Wild Card by Karina Halle

I really enjoyed Wild Card by Karina Halle. It was a great start to her new series and I didn't want to put it down. I love this world that she has created, and the characters were fantastic. This book was different from what she normally writes, but it was so refreshing and just as well written. I love her books, and if you haven't read anything from her before this is a great one to start with! 

Wild Card is a second chance romance featuring Shane and Rachel. They met as kids and their friendship turned into more with their connection being undeniable. Shane promised Rachel that he would run away with her leaving their small town behind, but then he broke up with her leaving her broken and with no choice but to leave on her own. Now years later she has returned home to help her mother, and she quickly learns that while she thought she had moved on her heart never did. But while Shane had his reasons for doing what he did, can he convince Rachel that they belong together? 

I loved these two. They were perfect for one another and their connection was so strong. The love between them was obvious and my heart broke for all that they had been through at such a young age. They fit so well together and I loved getting to see their past and how things started as well as the present and how they were trying to put things back together. I also really loved the secondary characters here, and thought that they added so much to this story. 

Overall, this was a really great start to Karina's North Ridge series and I honestly can't wait to get to know Shane's brothers better. Mav and Fox were fantastic and I am really excited to see more of each of them. I did feel like there were a few things here that were a bit unresolved and kind of came up and were dropped and that is the only reason this wasn't a five star read for me. But it was still really good, and I am anxious for more in this world.

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

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