
ARC Review: Wish You Were Here by Renee Carlino

Renee Carlino has a way with words unlike any author I have ever read before. She writes absolutely beautiful stories, and Wish You Were Here was no different. She is an auto-buy for me and I recommend checking her books out if you haven't already. 

Charlotte is in her twenties and is a bit lost. While she has a job and lives with her best friend, she flits from job to job and guy to guy. But when she meets Adam, she finds a connection unlike any she has felt before, even if it is just for a night. But after the night is over and Adam is gone, Charlotte tries to move on with her life once again. Months later, Adam is still on her mind and Charlotte sets out to discover what happened and why he left after their night together. 

I loved these characters. I will admit that it was a bit slow starting for me and I wasn't sure how I would feel. I am so glad that I stuck with it though as this was more than I expected. Adam and Charlotte were great, and I loved the connection between them. Their story was beautiful and such an emotional one. I felt so connected to these characters and like I was right there with them through all the ups and downs. 

Overall, I can't go into much of the story itself but what I can say is that this is one that will stick with me. The characters were easy to fall for and I really felt like they were special and different. This story is full of so much emotion and depth, and it definitely brought all the feels. It was full of love and hope, even when it was sad and heartbreaking. No one writes like Renee Carlino, and I can't wait for more from her. This is one I think a lot of readers will love, just keep the tissues close!

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes | 


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