
ARC Review: Racer by Katy Evans

I was so excited when I found out that Katy Evans was writing a story for Racer, the son of Remy and Brooke from her Real series. This book can be read as a standalone, but I think for full enjoyment it would be best if you have at least read the first few books in the Real series about Remy and Brooke even though it isn't necessary. It was so much fun to see a few glimpses of them here (along with the rest of the gang), but also to get to see Racer all grown up and getting his own book. 

In order to fulfill her dad's dreams, Alana sets out to find the best possible driver she can come up with for her family's Formula 1 team. When she comes across Racer, she is immediately drawn to him though she knows that street racing is different than Formula 1. She knows that he is her family's best chance, even if she also knows that staying away from him is going to be difficult. Especially when Racer will stop at nothing to prove how good he is both on and off the track. But while Racer wants her, he also knows that he could be the one to destroy her as well. 

I loved these two. Racer was so like his dad, yet completely his own person. I loved that he wasn't afraid to go his own path and pursue his own dreams and passions. Racer was sexy and confident (a lot of the time cocky!) and it was impossible not to fall for him. He definitely inherited his dad's alpha personality as well as his diagnosis, and while I hated that he struggled with being bi-polar he had a great support system. I really loved how great Lana was once she found out. She never gave up on him and did her best to show him that he wasn't going to scare her away and that she could handle it. She was strong and likable, and perfect for him. These two had chemistry right away and I just enjoyed seeing them get to know one another after their instant connection. 

Overall, this one was really good and I liked the characters a lot. There were a few cheesy moments here if I am honest, but they didn't stop me from loving it. As a fan of the Real series, I also appreciated some of the sweet and similar moments that paralleled Brooke and Remy here, it felt as though Katy Evans definitely brought everything full circle! Music was an important step in the bonding of Remy and Brooke, so it was really sweet to see Alana and Racer bonding over music in such a similar way. Definitely brought back all the feelings of when I first read Real. I think fans of the Real series are going to love this one, and those that are new to the series will as well. After meeting Alana's brothers here, I really hope Katy Evans might write some books for them as well. I loved being in the Real world again, yet getting to experience something new and different. This is one I enjoyed a lot and would recommend, especially for Katy Evans fans.

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

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