
ARC Review: Still by Kennedy Ryan

Still is the conclusion to the Grip series by Kennedy Ryan. This book should only be read if you have already read Flow and Grip. Trust me, these are not standalones and you will want to start at the beginning to get every last bit of these characters. This series is one of my favorites, not only from Kennedy, but we are talking all time. It is sexy and sweet, emotional and heartbreaking at times. But honestly this journey has been one that I have adored and can't recommend enough. 

Grip and Bristol are finally together and looking toward their future. But they know that just like their past, the road together will never be an easy one. They will have to fight for what they want, and if they want forever then they will have to do it together. When they are continually tested though, can they remember to let the other in? 

Grip is seriously one of my favorite heroes ever. He is sexy and sweet, thoughtful and sentimental. His feelings run deep and he isn't afraid to show that to anyone. He is just one of those heroes that you want for yourself! He was captivating and his love for Bristol never ending and unshakable despite everything that they faced. Bristol was strong and loved Grip just as fiercely as he did her. These two were meant for one another, and their relationship and connection are truly one of a kind. They are special and the passion between them is unlike any I have read about before. 

Kennedy Ryan has been a favorite author of mine since I first read a book of hers, and with each new book I read from her she just gets better. She is talented and has a way with words unlike any other. Her characters are deep and unique, and impossible not to fall for. This series though is on an entirely different level. Kennedy Ryan has tackled some very heavy and difficult subjects with grace and knowledge, allowing the reader to see things in ways they might not have before. Just like Bristol, I felt like there was so much that I didn't know or didn't understand, and while I know I never will fully, I feel like I have a better awareness now than I did before reading these books. This series is truly one that is not to be missed, and I know Grip and Bristol will stay with me forever.

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

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