
ARC Review: Whatever It Takes by Kate Willoughby

Whatever It Takes is the 14th book set in the Camp Firefly Falls world, but each book is a standalone. Not only is this my first Camp Firefly Falls book, but it is also my first book by Kate Willoughby. I really didn't know what to expect, but I was drawn in by the fact that this was a hockey romance and a second chance story. While there were some cute moments here, this one was just okay for me. 

When NHL goalie Booth MacDonald sees a picture of his ex Jane, he knows that the biggest regret of his life is what happened to end his relationship with her several years before. So when he gets the chance to talk to her again, he will do whatever it takes to show her that the connection between them is still there. Jane Merrifield has put the past behind her though and has channeled her hurt into a successful blog and business. She finally gets the closure she was needing after having coffee and some talk with Booth, but when Booth shows up at Camp Firefly Falls looking for a second chance she can't help but see that he is no longer the boy that once broke her heart. 

While I liked both Booth and Jane on the surface, both of these characters just fell flat for me. There really wasn't much to them and it just felt like they were underdeveloped. I wanted some substance to them, but their personalities just weren't really there. I loved that Jane was a woman that had curves and wasn't a stick thin model. I also loved that Booth embraced that and found it attractive. He realized that his actions as a teenager had hurt Jane and seeing that he had grown and embraced his desires was great. I just wish that I had been more invested in the characters and story to go with that, because in the end it just didn't really stick with me the way I think it could have.

My other big issue here was the fact that this book was really cheesy at times, and it had me rolling my eyes on more than one occasion. Things just came off as childish and I couldn't get over it. What grown man gets hard and his first thought is "Schwing!"? That was just too much for me and it just seemed really immature and happened more than once. It felt like the author was trying a bit too hard for humor and unfortunately just hurt my enjoyment of the story as it all just felt too over the top. There were some cute moments here, but it was just okay overall. This isn't one that I will remember in the long term and while it was quick and light, not one that I would probably read again.

**ARC Provided by Author**

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