
ARC Review: The Consort by K.A. Linde

I don't read a lot of books in the fantasy genre, but I am a huge fan of K.A. Linde's. I have enjoyed this series from the start though, and with each new book in the series I find myself unable to put them down! The Consort is the third book in the Ascension series, and these need to be read in order. If you haven't already started this series and read the first two books, you will need to start at the beginning before checking this one out. 

I really don't want to go into much of the story here, because I don't want to give anything away. This book picks up after where we were left at the end of The Bound. Cyrene continues to find herself in a world where nothing is as it seems and she has no idea who she can trust. She finds herself desperate and turning to the one person she shouldn't, but he is her last option. But no one is what they appear to be. 

I have really liked Cyrene from the beginning of this series, even when she has frustrated me. She has always been so strong though, and I find myself relating to her. I have to say though that she has grown and changed so much over the course of these books, and honestly I love how much she has come into her own. She has been thrown so much, and yet she has managed to find a strength and push forward, doing what she has to in order to grow and adapt. K.A. Linde has done a great job with the characters in this series, and honestly I really love them and the depth they each have. No one is simple or shallow here, and I really feel like they each have so many different layers here and that we are just beginning to dig deep with some of them.

I loved that while we got answers to a lot of questions here, there were so many more that I now have. K.A. Linde has done a great job of building this unique and captivating world, and I am loving how we keep digging deeper into all the mysteries of it. Just when I think I start to figure things out, there is another twist or turn. I thought I knew exactly who I was rooting for all along, but just like Cyrene I am now questioning everything. I can't wait to see what is in store next for these characters and I will be anxiously awaiting the next installment in this series. If you are a fan of K.A. Linde's, this series is everything you know and love from her but with so much more. If you aren't used to reading fantasy, I highly recommend giving this series a chance. I don't read a lot of fantasy, and yet this series is one that I think just keeps getting better. It is worth the read and K.A. Linde's talent really shines. This series is one that shouldn't be missed.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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