
ARC Review: Protecting Lily by Jenika Snow

Protecting Lily by Jenika Snow is a short suspense set in the Susan Stoker Special Forces: Operation Alpha Kindle world. While I had never read anything by Susan Stoker or in that world before, I didn't have any problems understanding this story. I think that this story was good and that fans of the series will enjoy it, while new readers will be able to enjoy reading it as well.

Brock and Lily have both wanted each other, but they knew that it was forbidden. Though he has been in love with her, Brock has never told her how he really felt. But when a danger from his past comes back and threatens the one he loves, he will do whatever it takes to protect Lily. Locked away in a cabin for safety, these two find themselves unable to fight what has been growing between them. 

I have a hard time with novellas and short stories because while I like the stories usually, there usually aren't enough pages to really do them justice. Unfortunately that was the case here for me. While I liked both Brock and Lily, it all felt very on the surface for me. I wanted more and missed any kind of depth with them. It was clear that they cared about each other and that there was something there, but I just wanted more. 

I also felt like the epilogue could have been a bit longer or given the reader a look down the line into their HEA. I just felt like this one was missing something, so while I liked it and felt like it could have been great it just didn't fire on all cylinders for me. If you are looking for something quick and sexy with some suspense, you might give this one a shot.

**ARC Provided by Ardent PRose**

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