
ARC Review: Show Me the Way by A.L. Jackson

I absolutely love A.L. Jackson's writing style! She blows me away with each book of hers I read, and I can't even begin to describe how beautifully she weaves her stories. Show Me the Way is the first book in her new Fight For Me series, and it was so good! It was everything I have come to love about her books and more. Such a great start to this series that I can't wait to read more of! 

Rynna Dayne ran from her home in Gingham Lakes at a young age after having her heart broken and being betrayed in a horrible way. She left her beloved grandmother behind as well as her dreams. When her grandmother passes away and leaves her business and home to Rynna, she knows it is finally time to return. When she meets her new neighbor Rex, he is surly and bitter but she can't help but want to get to know him better. Especially since his daughter is adorable and she finds herself falling for her right away. But while Rex is attracted to Rynna, he wife burned him leaving him to raise their daughter alone and he is no stranger to heartbreak either. Can Rynna convince him that some chances are worth taking and show him that she is around for good? 

I really loved these characters. I felt like they belonged together and I loved watching Rynna and Rex get to know one another. Rex had been through a lot, and I loved that he saw what was important. His love for his daughter was so touching and I couldn't get enough of them together. I was so glad that Rynna was able to get under his skin though, because she was perfect for him and Frankie Leigh. She was exactly what they needed and she had so much love to give both of them. She really felt like their missing piece and I was so glad that she didn't give up when Rex tried to push her away. They had great chemistry and a clear connection, and Frankie Leigh added into that was perfection. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. The characters were great and I felt emotionally connected. Once I started I didn't want to stop reading. Frankie Leigh really stole the show here, but honestly I loved everyone together. Rex's friends and the girls that Rynna met early on just fit and the camaraderie between them was so much fun. I am looking forward to more in this world and getting to see how things go from here. I will say that I did see the twist coming, but that didn't stop me from enjoying this story. You can't go wrong with anything by A.L. Jackson, but Show Me the Way is definitely one of my favorites from her yet! I highly recommend this one.

**ARC Provided by Author**

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