
ARC Review: An Ex for Christmas by Lauren Layne

This is what I would expect from a Lauren Layne Christmas Rom-Com. It has her typical style humor and gets-you-right-in-the-heart romance all at Christmas time. I’m not crazy over first person typically but I’ve always made an exception for LL because she does it so well. The characters are a hoot, Kelly is a third grade teacher who believes in astrology, and fortune telling, magic 8 balls, and that things happen for a reason, she’s also loves Christmas. This Christmas is going to a little different, she sent her parents away for their 30th wedding anniversary which is just days before Christmas, so she is going to be alone for Christmas well not alone she still has her best friend, Mark, to spend the day with. Mark and Kelly have been friends forever, Kelly has never seen Mark as boyfriend material because their zodiac signs aren’t ones that work well romantically. On Kelly’s way home for Christmas vacation a homeless woman tells Kelly that she has already meat her one true love and now Kelly has got it in her head that it’s one of her exes.

Mark is more serious, he keeps Kelly grounded and even though he thinks most of the stuff she believes in is nonsense he still stands by her, no one gets Kelly like Mark does. He understands that she is feeling lonely on Christmas and even though he’s not really a Christmas person he there for her to keep her company while she decorates the tree and drinks horrendous Christmas themed drinks. But every time she brings up her ex-list he loses it. They get into an argument and for the first time in ever the cool laid back Mark yells at Kelly. With every name that gets crossed off her list the more dismayed Kelly becomes but it’s not only that it’s the arguing with Mark; she’s so confused. She starts to think about Mark as more than her best friend and she’ not liking the jealous feelings she’s getting when his ex, Erika, is around.

Overall, the sexual tension is delicious and when it finally breaks it is steam up your glasses good. My only thing is that I have kind of a double standard when it come to the H/h, I always enjoy a good oblivious Hero, but when it comes to the Heroine being oblivious, I always find that annoying. So Kelly kind of not seeing what was so obvious got a little bit annoying, but she’s so quirky and adorable I can’t hold that against her. This is a great Christmas Romance, one I can totally see Hallmark turning into a movie.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Sharlene said...

I loved this one, too! Hallmark would have to cut the steamy parts, and that would be a shame!

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