
ARC Review: The Hunt by Monica James

I am pretty new to Monica James, but I knew I wanted to read The Hunt after really enjoying the first book I read from her. While The Hunt is the third Hard Love Romance from her, this book is easily read as a standalone. The only book I have read from Monica James was from a different series, and I didn't have any problems understanding anything here. I do want to go back and read more from her though after finishing this story. I have enjoyed both books I have read from her now, and I can't wait for more. 

Hunter doesn't believe in love and as his friends start settling down, he takes it upon himself to become the player that they all once were. But when he meets Mary, everything changes. Hunter finds himself wanting no one else, the only problem is that Mary hates him and wants nothing to do with him. 

I really enjoyed these two. I thought that they were great and they had me laughing all the way through. Hunter was sexy and had me swooning. He was so smooth and I loved seeing him thrown for a loop with his feelings towards Mary. Mary was easy to like and I loved the interactions between these two. The banter and the way they went back and forth kept me from being able to put this one down. The tension and chemistry between them was so strong and I just loved everything about them for one another. I will admit that they were a bit frustrating at times, but I at the same time I couldn't stop reading and really believed that they were perfect for each other. 

Overall, this was a great story and I think readers are going to love it! Enemies to lovers stories are always a fine line between love and hate, and I felt like Monica James did a great job of giving these characters the perfect amount of tension and chemistry to keep the reader invested in them from start to finish. Not only could you feel the sparks between them, but she really showed that it was more than that and that what these two felt was real and believable. Monica James is an author that is becoming a favorite of mine, and I definitely recommend Hunter and Mary's story. This was a fun read and I'm already anxious for more from Monica James.

**ARC Provided by Sullivan and Partners**

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