
ARC Review: Love on the Edge of Time by Julie A. Richman

I have been a fan of Julie A. Richman's since I first read her Needing Moore series. I knew I wanted to read this book after reading the blurb, and I can honestly say that I haven't read a story quite like this one before. While it reminds me a bit of the Blue Bloods series by Melissa De La Cruz, this one had several differences as well. I am a bit torn on this story though, and while it kept me on the edge of my seat, I also was left feeling as though this wasn't everything I had been hoping for so it was a bit bittersweet once I had finished. 

Jesse Winslow is a bad boy rocker and Kylie Martin is a former pageant queen. Both have demons that they continue to struggle with that keep messing up their lives. When the two of them meet though, their connection is one they can't explain or fight. But the one person that might be able to help both of them also has a secret, and that is that she knows the entire truth. Dr. Claire Stoddard knows everything that could help Jesse and Kylie, but she also has done the forbidden and fallen in love with her patient Jesse. Though Kylie and Jesse search and find each other in lifetime after lifetime, Claire isn't about to let Kylie take Jesse from her yet again. 

I really loved getting to see these characters and their history through the regressions. I was captivated by Kylie and Jesse and their pasts as well as the present. Their connection was undeniable and was one that nothing could stand in the way of. I loved seeing the growth and progress that each of them made here. This story was full of love and heartbreak, jealousy and history. There is so much more to this story than meets the eye, and is truly worth the read.

But if I am honest, this story was a bit hard to get into and the ending was what changed it all for me. Luckily while this one started a bit slow, it picked up and at that point I couldn't put it down. It was beautifully written and I was emotionally invested in what would happen for these characters. It wasn't at all what I thought it was going to be, with plenty of twists and turns. But what really left me wanting was the ending. I wasn't fully satisfied, and I felt like it didn't really do the story justice. I wanted closure and it didn't feel like we really got it. While I am sure that there are a lot of readers that will love this story and feel like it was exactly as it should have been, I just felt like for me it was a bit bittersweet.

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

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