
Fall into Romance Event with Author Jennifer Hoopes

Jennifer lives in a small town in Pennsylvania with her husband and two daughters. When not writing, she can usually be found elbow deep in flour or inhaling chlorine as she cheers her daughter on at a swim meet. She loves musicals, caramel and roller coasters, and lists Machu Picchu at the top of her bucket list. She is a member of RWA and is the President of her local chapter, Central Pennsylvania Romance Writers. Find out more about Jennifer and sign up for her newsletter at

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Hi everyone! I’m Jennifer Hoopes, and I am so thrilled to be here today celebrating everyone’s Fall into Romance.

Fall is my favorite time of the year. The change in the weather. The scents. The clothes. The colors. Something about this time of the year puts an extra pep in my step and because of that I find I actually have extra time. So of course it is the perfect season to fall into a good romance. It is also the perfect time of the year to fall into some good food.

It’s no secret that I love food, and I work scrumptious things into my books as often as I can, (Hello, Apple Tarts in Her Cowboys Promise) but it seems that I cook and bake more this time of year, and the foods that find their way to my table are the warm and hearty kind that leave you full and ready for a nap on the couch. Sadly, time isn’t always in my favor with two active kids and a hubby, not to mention the words I need to get down so I can bring my stories to you dear readers, so, I thought today I would share one of my quick and easy go-to recipes that I make this time of the year.

It is affectionally known in our household as “Chicken Roll.” I normally serve it with some type of noodle on the side, but it goes just as well with vegetables or chips or anything else you might have on hand.

Thank you for having me and I hope everyone is enjoying this time of year.

Happy Reading!

Chicken Roll

2 chicken breasts cooked, cooled, and shredded, or 2- 12.5 oz cans of chunk chicken breast in water. (I usually have the cans on hand which makes for quick and easy, but I have made this when I have more time using cooked chicken breasts.)

1 cup of mayonnaise

2 TBS of Dijon mustard

½ cup of chopped onion

1 cup of shredded mozzarella. (You can change this. I have used Swiss and Gruyere before, but I always have mozzarella in my fridge, so it is my go to.)
2 cans of crescent rolls

*Note this recipe can be cut in half and you would end up with one roll instead of two.

*This is a base recipe that can be added to or modified to your tastes. Add veggies to the mix or sprinkle stuff on top of the crescent rolls. Switch up the chicken or add bacon or anything you really can think of.

  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  2. In large bowl combine the chicken, mayonnaise and mustard until mixed well. If using the canned chicken, use your fork to shred the chunks into smaller pieces,
  3. Add the onions and mix.
  4. Add the cheese and mix. Set bowl aside
  5. Unroll and separate the crescent rolls. Lay them into a ring with the wide ends overlapping slightly and the narrow ends pointing away from the center circle. You can make two smaller ones, or if you have a large enough sheet you can make one big one.
  6. Spoon an equal amount of the chicken mixture on the wide ends working your way around.
  7. Take the narrow end and wrap it over, tucking the point underneath of the wide end. Part of the chicken mixture will show on either side.
  8. Bake for 15 minutes or until the crescent rolls are golden brown.
  9. Let cool for two minutes and serve.

Photo for reference, not indicative of final product.

What about you? Do you have a go-to easy recipe that you make this time of the year? Does the change in the weather change the type of foods you crave? Comment below for a chance to win and eBook of Her Cowboy’s Promise.

Three years ago, artist Emily White’s grief and survivor’s guilt sent her to the small Wyoming town of Fly Creek. Since then, she’s kept her emotions safely tucked away—until she meets the new rancher at Sky Lake Dude Ranch. Stetson in hand, the gorgeous cowboy’s arrival in her store immediately shakes up her world.

Adam Conley is only in Fly Creek for as long as it takes to fulfill his promise to his late cousin. The small town brings up too many memories of the life he left behind years ago. He knows his task won’t be easy, but the last thing he expects is the instant attraction to the reason he’s in town. Emily is beautiful, vibrant, and completely off-limits. He’s there to keep his promise—not fall in love.

But Adam’s secret will crumble everything Emily’s life has revolved around.

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Up For Grabs:
  • 1 eBook copy of Her Cowboy's Promise

To Enter: 
  • What about you? Do you have a go-to easy recipe that you make this time of the year? Does the change in the weather change the type of foods you crave?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter giveaway.
**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Jennifer Hoopes for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Joanne B said...

It's usually whole grain pasta with homemade sauce or Chicken Spaghetti, recipe courtesy of the Pioneer Woman.

Sue G. said...

This time of the year is when I start making chili again. I don't usually make it during the summer months.

Unknown said...

The Pioneer Woman has some lovely recipes and cookware :-)

Unknown said...

Yummm, I love chili. I have a great Texas Beer chili recipe that I use.

Chrisbails said...

My go to is peanut butter cookies. 3 ingredients. 1 cup sugar. 1 cup peanut butter. 1 egg. I triple. Mix and scoop in small balls. Bake 350-degrees for 8 to 10 minutes. Press a kiss in center after you pull out of the oven. They are so good.

Unknown said...

These are a favorite in my house at Christmas time. My kids love to put the kisses in (and sneak a few in the process.)

erin said...

it's the holidays that make me wish I could cook :) But my mom makes all my favs so I'm well taken care of. Thanks for sharing!

Lilypadchavez said...

Yes! Several!

The fam floves my chix tortilla soup and my posole.

And yes! I truly think the weather makes a huge difference when I make it. Well for one, it takes all day, and they're hot soups.

Unknown said...

Mom's are the best. No matter how hard I try I can never duplicate my favorite recipes from her.

Unknown said...

Both of those sound amazing! All day cooking is tiresome but totally worth it in the end.

Lilypadchavez said...

On don't worry crock pot does most of the work lol 😂😜

Michele Hayes said...

I do not have a special recipe for this time of year, but I do like chili on a cold afternoon.

Unknown said...

No special recipe.

Unknown said...

I do have special recipes this time of the year ! I make Ham that everyone raves about and Potato Salad that My Dad used to make !

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