
Fall into Romance Event with Author Victoria James

Victoria James is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. Victoria graduated from Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario and then pursued a diploma in Interior Design in Toronto, Ontario.

Victoria, her husband, and their two children decided to leave the suburbs of Toronto behind in pursuit of the small-town life that she loves writing about. She now finds endless inspiration in her charming, lakeside town. Her days are spent juggling the restoration of a heritage home, writing, and family-life.

Victoria loves hearing from her readers and enjoys posting her latest pics of their renovation. Find out more about Victoria, and get a free novella on her website at:

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Happy Almost-Thanksgiving!

Being Canadian, we celebrated Thanksgiving last month. I know that may seem early, but I love that it's far enough from Christmas that we get a little breather!

This was our second year in our new (but very old!) house. Fall is my favourite season, followed by winter-mostly because of Christmas. We hosted dinner for family and friends and I made a traditional turkey dinner that was Paleo and Gluten-Free to accommodate everyone's dietary needs. I didn't tell the kids I'd made anything different and they didn't even notice!

One of the things I love most about Thanksgiving is that I know Christmas will be arriving shortly after. November 1st marks the beginning of the Christmas decorating around here! I love writing and reading Christmas books-they are my absolute favourite-which is why I'm giving away a PRINT copy of one of my Christmas books.

Thank you so much for hosting me and I wish all my American friends a happy and safe Thanksgiving!

After fleeing her beloved small town five years ago, Julia Bailey is back to spend Christmas with her family. Returning is hard, but keeping the devastating secret about her late husband is even harder. Her place isn't in Big Sky Country any longer...but the more time she spends with the irresistible Sheriff who saved her once before, and his adorable little daughter, the more Julia starts wishing she could let go of the past and start a new life.

Single dad and county Sheriff Chase Donovan had been secretly in love with his best friend's wife for years. But after her traumatic loss he knew Julia needed to get away from Shadow Creek, even though helping her leave was the last thing he wanted to do. Now she's home and he doesn't intend to lose her a second time. Chase is going to prove to Julia just how good they can be together this Christmas...and forever. 

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |


Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Signed copy of Christmas with the Sheriff

To Enter: 
  • North America shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter giveaway.
**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Amanda Ashby for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Sue G. said...

I love decorating or Christmas too, but we never start until the day after Thanksgiving. We always cut down a tree for the great room, usually anywhere from 12 - 15 feet tall and it takes three days to fully decorate it. I collect Christmas ornaments and have over 800 of them. It's tiring, but I love it!

Joanne B said...

I can read holiday books, listen to holiday music, and watch all the holiday movies and specials all year long. I love the holidays!

Lori R said...

What a beautiful cover!

Kim Perry said...

I love the music and holiday movies.

Sharlene said...

I just ordered about 15 Christmas movies from the library. Oops! And never mind the number of books I am planning on reading!

erin said...

I think that it would be wonderful to have Thanksgiving and Christmas a bit further apart :) But I'm already listening to Christmas music and I love it!!! Thanks for sharing!

Nancy said...

This looks real interesting.Thanks for this opportunity. Having a bunch in starting tomorrow for Thanksgiving.The grandchildren are just full of energy.The two oldest are big readers already so part of their christmas will be easier. Have a great holiday season.

Lilypadchavez said...

I love how the Hallmark channel has Christmas movies starting already and also they do a run of Xmas movies in the summer😁

dstoutholcomb said...

sounds like a wonderful story


May said...

Sounds like a great story. I love Christmas ones too.

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