
A Historical Christmas Event with Tina Gabrielle

Best-selling author Tina Gabrielle is an attorney and former mechanical engineer whose love of reading for pleasure helped her get through years of academia. She often picked up a romance and let her fantasies of knights in shining armor and lords and ladies carry her away. She is the author of adventurous Regency historical romances for Entangled Publishing and Kensington Books.

Publisher’s Weekly calls her Regency Barrister’s series, “Well-matched lovers…witty comradely repartee.” Tina’s books have been Barnes & Noble top picks, and her first book, Lady of Scandal, was nominated as best first historical by Romantic Times Book Reviews. Tina lives in New Jersey and is married to her own hero and is blessed with two daughters. She loves to hear from readers. Visit her website to learn about upcoming releases, join her newsletter, and enter free monthly contests at

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Happy Holidays to Danielle and all the Rambling Chick readers! I’m honored to participate in my first Christmas Event with you. For me, Christmas is all about bringing the family together. I love decorating the tree together, cooking together, and then celebrating the day. I wish all of you and your families a happy and healthy Holiday season.

An Artful Seduction is the first book in my Infamous Somerton’s series. Eliza Somerton is the the eldest of three sisters and the daughter of an infamous art forger. After their father deserted his daughters, Eliza assumes an alias and opens a print shop and looks after her two sisters. Their hidden identity goes well until her father’s enemy, Grayson, the Earl of Huntingdon, unearths her secret. But Grayson grows to admire the hard-working Eliza and what starts as revenge soon becomes a scandalous passion!

Eliza was aware of Lord Huntington’s every step behind her as she climbed the stairs to their living quarters above her print shop. She had been freezing, rushing through the snow-covered streets to the apothecary. With her sister sick, she hadn’t had much time to truly enjoy the holiday season. She had hurried back with the medicine only to find Lord Huntingdon waiting for her.

Her first thought had been shock, followed by the odd flutter of excitement she felt low in her belly. He’d looked so masculine standing in the center of the print shop. Then she’d studied him more closely. He’d appeared tired, and fine lines had carved furrows between his brows. Why? Had something transpired?

Their living quarters were modest, with a tiny kitchen and adjoining bedroom. He came forward and she motioned for him to sit at the kitchen table. She was conscious of his gaze as he scanned the space. It wasn’t his luxurious Mayfair mansion, but it was their home and it wasn’t inherited or given to them. She’d worked hard for what they had and it was a far cry from the poorhouse.

Huntington sat and crossed his legs. He seemed far too large and masculine for the table.

“It’s chilly in here,” he said.

She detected a hint of censure in his tone, and her lips thinned with irritation. “Is that what you came to tell me?”

“You cease adding coal to the fire after business hours.”

“Coal costs money; we must conserve.” Her fingers twisted in her skirts.

“What’s wrong with your sister Chloe?”

She was startled by the change of subject. “She has a cough.”

“Maybe if there were heat in the place she wouldn’t be sick,” he said.

She stiffened, pride rising to her defense. “Don’t you think I’ve thought the same thing? What would you have us do? Spend all our money on heat and then be out on the street a week later? Would that be better for Chloe?”

“I’m duly reprimanded, Mrs. Somerton.”

“Why are you here?”

“I came to apologize. I handled Mr. Cain badly yesterday. When I saw the warehouse owner touch you, I didn’t think. I just reacted.”

She was truly shocked now. “I…I…”

He pulled out a sheet of foolscap from his coat pocket. “I’ve many contacts in the art world. This is a list of reputable merchants who will sell you art supplies and anything else you may need for your shop. They are to deal with you on credit with the understanding that if you do not pay, I will. You need never return to Mr. Cain’s warehouse again.”

She stared at the paper, afraid to take it and even more afraid not to. “Why? Why would you do this?”

He leaned forward in his chair. “Because I didn’t like the way he looked at you or touched you.”

She gasped and stared up at him. The current between them was there again, damn him. Every inch of her body responded to his nearness, his medievally possessive words. She nervously licked her bottom lip, and his gaze dropped to her mouth. Then he reached out and stroked the pad of his thumb across her lip. Her breath hitched, and her insides seemed to melt. It was like lightning during a storm, uncontrollable and forceful, and it frightened her just as much as it enthralled her.

She reached up and touched his wrist. “Don’t, my lord,”

“It’s Grayson. Call me Grayson.” He didn’t remove his touch on her mouth. For several heartbeats they stayed like that; his thumb grazing her lip, her fingers on his wrist.

London, 1815. Eliza Somerton has a dangerous secret. As the daughter of the infamous art forger who duped half the ton, she’s rebuilt her life under a new name. But when an old forgery goes up for auction, her father’s enemy, Grayson Montgomery, outbids her and presents her with an unimaginable choice: help him find her father or he’ll ruin her.

For years, Grayson, the Earl of Huntingdon and one of London’s top art critics, has sought justice. His well-laid plans finally come to fruition when he learns of his enemy’s beautiful daughter. But Eliza possesses a sensuality and independent spirit that weakens his resolve, and as the heat between them sizzles, what started as revenge soon blossoms into something sinful…

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  • 1 eBook copy of An Artful Seduction

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Special thanks to Tina Gabrielle for sponsoring this giveaway.
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Carol L. said...

I enjoyed this excerpt. I'm now hooked :) Thank you for sharing it and the giveaway opportunity.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Tina Gabrielle said...

Hi Carol! I'm so glad you liked the excerpt. I wish you a happy holiday!

Mary @SweepingMe said...

This sounds like a good revenge turns sexy love...AHHH to live in this time era...Must have been something.

Lori Dykes said...

Loved this excerpt. Beautiful cover! Lori Dykes

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