
ARC Review: Behind the Bars by Brittainy C. Cherry

I have read and loved books by Brittainy C. Cherry before, but Behind the Bars absolutely blew me away. This book is a standalone story and the first in her new Music Street series and honestly it completely broke me and then put me back together piece by piece. It was hard at times and a very emotional read, but it was filled with love and hope and healing and was such a beautiful story. 

Jasmine was the popular new girl, with Elliot the shy and awkward loner when they first met. But their love of music had them forming an instant connection. Though their lives were lonely, they had each other and their music until suddenly Jasmine was gone. Years went by and both of them experienced dark times that changed who they were. Without contact, they were left to face things alone. But when Jasmine returns home she knew that she had to find Elliot again, even knowing that he wouldn't be the same boy she once knew. But after everything that has happened, can they possibly find a way to move forward together or will there be too much that has happened for them to heal together? 

I absolutely loved Jasmine and Elliott. My heart went out to both of them right from the start. Each of them had things they were battling, and nothing came easy for them. I couldn't believe just how much was thrown at them and how they managed to survive was a testament to how strong they both were, even when they struggled. These two needed one another, and time and distance didn't change that at all. They were at their best when they were together and their connection was one of a kind. It was so much more than just music and loneliness between them, though that is what originally brought them together. These two were meant for one another and honestly I couldn't imagine a world in which they didn't find some happiness and love together after everything that they had been through. 

Overall, this book was everything. It was sweet and hopeful, emotional and heartbreaking. I won't lie and say this is an easy book to read. A lot happens that upset me and I found myself in tears more than once. But the journey of these characters was one that I think is worth the read and it will stay with me forever. This is my favorite book of Brittainy C. Cherry's to date, and her writing just gets better with each book of hers I read. This is one of the best books I have read all year, and I highly recommend it!

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

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