
ARC Review: Unraveled by Mia Kayla

Unraveled is the first book in Mia Kayla's Ryder Boys series, and while there things that I liked about this story, ultimately I had mixed feelings about it. I think that there are a lot of moments here that were great, and readers will enjoy them. But I also felt like there were several things keeping me from loving this story and it was just okay for me in the end. 

Angelica thought that she had her life planned out and knew exactly what would happen for her future. But when she realizes that the man she thought she would spend her life with is already married to his work, she knows that she needs to end things. Cade Ryder is everything that she shouldn't want, yet the more she is around him the harder it becomes to resist.

I liked Angelica and Cade for each other. I thought that they had chemistry and were good for one another. They had a connection that was obvious right away. If I am honest though, I had a bit of an issue with Angelica. I felt like her moving on from her ex to Cade in such a short amount of time was a little unbelievable. For her feelings to suddenly be as strong as they supposedly were just didn't feel right when her relationship with her ex was so long and as serious as it had been. (They lived together) I also really had a hard time with how Angelica let her ex and her mother get away with all they did without her standing up for herself. There was one moment that really bothered me, and honestly if I was Cade I don't know that I would have been able to get over it. 

I did really love the relationships that both Angelica and Cade had with their siblings though. Angelica and her sister were supportive and great, and I loved seeing that bond. Same goes for Cade and his brothers Jordan and Wyatt. It was even more special for them as they weren't blood siblings. But those moments were really great and made this a fun read at times. While I liked them and Cade and Angelica together, I wish that Angelica had put her mother and ex in their place earlier and not let things get in the way of her relationship with Cade as much. I also wish that there would have been more of a natural progression for her relationship with Cade. It felt a bit rushed, when she was just coming out of the relationship that she had been in for so long. I do think that a lot of readers will enjoy this one and Mia Kayla is an author that I have come to enjoy. This one was good and it won't be the last I read from her.

**ARC Provided by Enticing Journey Book Promotions**

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