
Naughty New Year Event with Cathryn Fox

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Cathryn Fox is a wife, mom, sister, daughter, and friend. She loves dogs, sunny weather, anything chocolate (she never says no to a brownie) pizza and red wine. Cathryn has two teenagers who keep her busy and a husband who is convinced he can turn her into a mixed martial arts fan. When not writing, Cathryn can be found laughing over lunch with friends, hanging out with her kids, or watching a big action flick with her husband.

Harper Clark
Dossier Series
(How it all began)

Alyssa Davenport blinks once, twice, and then shakes her head like she can’t wrap her brain around the plan I just laid out for her, and our four other besties. The five girls stare at me in shock as we sit at the piano bar and sip champagne while waiting for the New Year’s ball to drop in Time Square. We’re all single, so I’m not sure why they’re all having such a hard time with my idea.

“You can’t be serious?” Alyssa asks.

“Come on,” I say, “It will be fun.”

“Fun?” Piper glares at the hat in my hand like it just sprung horns. “Your idea of fun is my idea of danger.”

I wave a dismissive hand, tip the champagne flute to my lips and let my idea sink in for a moment long. Five sets of wide eyes stare at me in disbelief. Really? Is my idea that outrageous? Hardly. I glance at the bartender and order six shots of patron for us.

I take a quick glance at the clock, the lawyer in me wanting to get the pact agreed upon and the deal sealed before the New Year begins. “It’s not like I’m asking you to commit murder. I’m only asking that we all go on an epic adventure on the month we turn twenty-five.  That gives us all two years to plan.”

“Are you off your meds?” Alyssa, the doctor amongst us, asks.

I laugh. “Come on, Alyssa. All I’m suggesting is that we throw our names into this hat, then draw. We keep whoever we got a secret and during the month of the person’s twenty-fifth birthday we send a dossier with everything they’d need for a epic vacation, right down to the clothes the wear.”

“Where epic and sex can be interchanged,” Kennedy, our introverted museum curator adds. Sweet Kennedy has been lusting after Olivia’s brother Sean for as long as I can remember. Who ever gets her name, knows exactly what they need to put in her dossier.

Determined to convince them I say, “Yeah, but we’ve all known each other forever, and we can set up a once in a lifetime adventure, something the person really needs, even though they might not know it themselves.”

“Maybe it’s not such a bad idea,” Olivia says, and I jump on that.

“Right? The fun we could have right!” If anyone needs this vacation it’s Olivia. After her boyfriend dropped her right out of College she’s been a mess. I know she’s still pining after him, and she’s stuck in an entry-level marketing position in an all boys club. She needs a break. If I get her name, I’d know just what I’ll do. As a wonderful, wicked idea forms I look to our Veterinarian friend Reese, who’s been quiet so far. “Reese? What do you think?”

She nibbles her bottom lip. The truth is she’s been crazy about her best friend, Cole since…forever. Wouldn’t this ‘epic’ adventure be a great way for one of us to show her she and Cole were meant to be together?

“A no-strings affair with a man you might never see again.” Reese takes a sip of her champagne. “I’m starting to warm to the idea.”

I grab her arm. “So you’re in?”

“Sure, what do I have to lose?” She shrugs and I wink at her.

“Other than the dry spell you’re on, nothing.”

She lifts her glass and I lift mine. “Well girls, are you all in?”

I hear a few grumbles, but then Alyssa lifts her glass. “Hey, maybe I’ll find a guy who finally looks at me like a woman instead of a doctor.”

I wag a brow her way. “Or two.”

She laughs. “I’ll settle for one, but hey I’d never say no to two?”

“Piper?” After getting dumped because she can’t have children, I know my friend can really use the distraction.

“My last guy was a douche bag and I think a no-strings affair with a foreigner sounds just about right,” Piper says.


Olivia lifts her glass. “Maybe this will finally help me move past Gio.”

Or maybe it will be just the thing to bring them back together. I keep that thought to myself.

“Okay, Kennedy what do you say?”

“Well jeez, now I have FOMO.”

“FOMO?” Alyssa asks.

“Fear of missing out,” I say and we all laugh. “Okay, girls here’s to an epic adventure where sex and epic are interchangeable.” We lift our glasses as the ball drops on the big television screen in the room. Our flutes clink, and suddenly a magical sort of energy moves through me. Judging by the look on everyone’s faces, they all feel it, too.

Oh, yeah. Our lives will never be the same again.

(All books can be read as Stand Alone) To find out what happens to the girls on their adventures, check out:

Private Reserve (Olivia)
House Rules (Kennedy)
Under Pressure (Reese)
Big Catch (Alyssa)
Foreign Affairs (Piper) – coming March 2018
Improper proposal (Harper) – coming June 2018

Brilliant and uptight emergency room doctor Alyssa Davenport has absolutely no desire to travel to Antigua to go cockle fishing. What the hell is a cockle anyway? But it’s time for her to fulfill a ridiculous New Year’s Eve pact with her best friends. Heck, maybe she’ll meet a hot fisherman who isn’t intimidated by her and looks at her as a woman instead of a doctor. Lord knows her body is screaming for a little attention.

Former New York stockbroker Brayden Adams takes one look at Alyssa and sees that she needs to relax. He’s known the feeling himself, until he and his best friend, Tyler, left the fast life behind when they inherited a hotel and fishing business in Antigua. Now they live a relaxed island life and share everything.

Stepping out of her comfort zone, Alyssa boldly goes after what she wants. Except there’s a bit of a snag, and the discovery leads her on a sexual adventure she could have never imagined. But when vacation is over, what happens next?

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Check out the Dossier series:

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 eBook copy of Hands On
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Carol L. said...

This sounds like a great read. I haven't read the other books but I will be. Thanks for the excerpt and post. Happy Holidays !
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Mary @SweepingMe said...

Sounds amazing. Thanks for the chance to win.

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