
A Naughty New Year with Elizabeth Otto

Elizabeth Otto is the writer of emotional contemporary romance, and sassy paranormal romance, who never feels bad about making her readers cry. She enjoys pushing the boundaries of real-life experiences and deepest fantasies to create stories that live long after the last page is read. She lives in  the deep Midwest, with her children and an always-changing menagerie of pets, including a one-legged hen named Jeff.

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I released my first Brazen title, SHOCKING THE MEDIC, in September, featuring two friends-to-lovers paramedics, Luke and Greer. Their road to becoming lovers was a bit rocky, but trust me when I say, the trials were worth it! Never boring, these two find interesting ways to mix work and pleasure. Of course, they’d let the trend continue in their first New Year’s celebration as a newly married couple!
“It’s going to be madness in there.”

Luke Almeda rolled his truck to a stop alongside the curb, surprised he’d found a parking spot so close to the banquet center. Every medic and firefighter in town was here for the annual New Year’s Eve party by the looks of it. No surprise. Not a one of them would walk away early from a party where free beer and chicken wings were concerned.

“Define madness.”

Greer fiddled with the large clip holding her curly mass of hair in a sexy twist. The locks came spilling down in a corkscrew cloud around her shoulders. Luke had been itching to get rid of that clip about a hundred times during their three to eleven p.m. 911 shift together. There was nothing he loved more than running his fingers through her curls and taking big fistfulls of it while he held her down and… Christ. For newlyweds, they’d sure had a lack of alone time over the crazed holidays.

“You know, standard office party craziness.” He attempted to look away from her, but failed.

She held his gaze with a sly smile that said she was well aware of the dirty thoughts he was having. He and Greer hadn’t worked a paramedic shift together in months. Her fancy injury lawyer job didn’t leave much time for her to put her paramedic license to use anymore. Sure, he got to see her in body-hugging pencil skirts and silk blouses when she got dressed for the legal office every morning. But it was a damn treat to see her sexy body clad in a medic’s uniform, even if she had covered up most of it with a bulky, standard-issue sweater.

Something had looked enticingly different about her uniform and it had been driving him crazy all day.

“The mess of them will be drunk. A bra will show up on a ceiling fan. Someone’s wife will slip into the janitor’s closet with someone else’s husband. Spilled drinks will ruin expensive party dresses. At least one person is guaranteed to pass out. You know, normal stuff.”

“Right.” Greer crossed her arms and gripped the waist of her sweater. With a wink, she slowly tugged it upward. Luke let out a hard breath as the fabric bunched beneath her breasts before breaking free and slipping up and over head. “So, it’s a good thing I didn’t bother to change into something fancy after our shift?”

His gaze locked onto her chest, where the mounds of her breasts were lifted high and pushed tightly together. She had the top buttons undone, the other closures straining against the fabric, revealing a line of perfect, mouth-watering cleavage.

“Sweet baby Jesus,” Luke breathed.

“What?” Greer asked innocently. “You act like you’ve never seen me in a uniform before.”

She reached into the bag beside her, the movement causing a button to pop off her shirt. Her breasts pushed forward, giving him an eye full of glittery gold lace. He leaned across the center console, eagerly reaching to cup a breast. She swatted his hand away, and slipped the plastic end of a party favor between her lips. WIth a wink, she blew, causing a paper tube to unroll and pop him on the chin.

“Oh hell yeah,” Luke breathed. “Do that again. Blow slower.”

“Behave. We have a party to attend.”

“Do we?”

Trailing one finger along the edge of her bra, he teased the fabric farther apart. The lingerie underneath was lush and erotic and cupped her generous breasts like she was ready to do a strip tease right then and there. God. Yes.

“Yes, Lucas. Yes, we do. This is just a tease. A reminder that you’re most certainly not to whisk someone else’s wife into the janitor’s closet.”

She shifted in her seat and another button popped.

“Damn it!” She tried to pull her shirt together, but Luke gripped her wrists.

“Leave it.”

“I can’t go inside like this.”

It was his turn to shift in his seat. “Oh yes, you can. Maybe I’ll put a mark right here so everyone remembers that you’re mine.”

He gripped the sides of her shirt, half hoping the rest of the buttons would come undone as he put his lips to the top of her right breast. Gently sucking the skin, he looked up to see the definite heat in her eyes. Luke nibbled and kissed his way to her other breast.

Her breath came hard, fast. “Luke… look.”

With a groan, he pulled away to look where she pointed outside his window. A fire truck was parked slightly down the street, the side lit up with string lights formed into the words, ‘Happy New Year’ across the side. It was the city’s retired engine, one they used for promotional events.

“It’s almost midnight,” Greer said. “You know the lock on the back door of the fire truck is always broken. We could slip inside and… ring in the new year a little early?”

She wagged her eyebrows. “Besides, I’m sure I could find a better party favor than this.” She blew on the favor again before moving to toss it on the seat. Luke gripped her hand in his, swallowing hard.

“Bring it,” he said roughly as he turned off the truck and opened his door. “Last one to the fire truck gets to think up a naughty way to use it.”

Greer grinned as another button popped open. “In that case, I’ll walk slow.”

PR exec Natalie Lindgren is all business…until it comes to dealing with her craving for sexual submission. Two years ago, she walked away from the lifestyle—and her Dom, Javier. Now she’s back at his luxury guest ranch, not as his sub, but as a member of her sister’s wedding party.

But Javier’s not her only problem. Her ex, Ryan—who she left because his ideas to kink up their sex life veered too closely to Natalie’s former lifestyle—is the best man.

She’d thought she could resist the two dominant men, but with one touch Natalie is back under Javier’s influence, and one whisper has her aching for Ryan’s fingers tight around her wrist. How is she going to get through the weekend? Especially once the two of them join forces to remind her exactly what she’s been missing…

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Mary @SweepingMe said...

Since I am a nurse, I would love to read this. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Carol L. said...

Sounds great. Thanks for the post.
Carol Luciano
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

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