
ARC Review: The Thing About Love by Kim Karr

I am a huge Kim Karr fan, so at this point I just automatically add her books to my TBR without even reading the blurbs. But when I saw the cover for The Thing About Love, I couldn't wait to read the story. This book was cute and fun, and I enjoyed the light-hearted read.

Jake and Juliette got off on the wrong foot, but with a wedding to plan they are stuck with one another. The more time they spend together though, the more they really get to know one another and things between them start to change. But while things are growing between them, Juliette knows that it is a mistake to fall for Jake since he is unavailable. 

I liked these two. Jake and Juliette were fun and I felt the attraction between them right away. While things didn't go well at first, it was clear that there was something between them. I enjoyed seeing them get to know one another and felt like they would be good for one another. I will say that at times it felt like something was missing a bit though, and I think part of that is because there wasn't much angst or conflict here. While there was a small amount, it just felt like things were on the easy side and that kept me from really loving their story. 

I still liked these two and would recommend the book, especially if you are looking for something light and sweet. While this wasn't my favorite Kim Karr book, I have enjoyed everything I have read from her and The Thing About Love was no exception.

**ARC Provided by L. Woods PR**

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