
ARC Review: War of Hearts by Julia Sykes

War of Hearts was my first book by Julia Sykes and even though it was said to be a standalone, I would disagree. I found out after reading that there was a prequel called Battle For Love which I hadn't read and it might have helped me from feeling as though I was thrown into a story already in progress. That was a big problem for me here and unfortunately the story just didn't recover for me. 

I felt like the blurb was misleading here and the story definitely didn't go as I expected it to. It was supposed to be a mafia story with darkness and danger, yet it didn't feel like one at all to me. Having read and enjoyed plenty mafia romances over the years, this one just didn't hold up. It is a menage and while the sex between the characters was hot, I feel like that was all there was here. It was primarily sex scenes with very little story or character development in between.

If you are just looking for something erotic and full of sex, you might enjoy this one. I wanted more story though and I there were a few other things that didn't quite work for me. Besides feeling as though I had missed part of the story here, when it came to Joseph and Marco things didn't feel quite right to me. It felt off and as though things were forced and not genuine when it came to them and their relationship with Ashlyn together. 

While this story had a lot of promise, for me it just didn't work. I had hoped for more with the blurb and sexy cover, but in the end it wasn't what I had been expecting. I am not sure that I would read more from Julia Sykes after this, even though at this point I am a bit curious to see if reading the prequel would have helped at all here. If you are just looking for a sexy menage filled with sex, you might give this one a go after reading the prequel.

**ARC Provided by L. Woods PR**

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