
Guest Post with Author Kristen Casey and Giveaway

Kristen Casey writes heartfelt contemporary romances with plenty of heat, relatable characters, and witty dialogue. She lives in Maryland with her husband, two kids, and assorted cats, and in her free time enjoys all things crafty—especially projects she discovers on Pinterest.

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Hi, I’m Kristen!   Like most people, I always think of January as the time to shed the old, and focus on the new. In my latest book, that is just what the characters have to do! Finding a Husband is also my steamiest book yet, but that doesn’t mean Molly and Jake aren’t emotional and close to my heart. That always makes the physicality feel more intense, doesn’t it? When hearts are fully engaged, you can’t help but long for that happily-ever-after. That’s why I wanted to share this early scene between them: They aren’t an instant fit—in fact, things often have a way of veering sideways for them—but Molly and Jake still manage to get past their initial reservations and get plenty hot for each other. That’s just the kind of warmth we need in this coldest of months!

Molly made a big mistake when she was still just a teen, and is trying not to repeat history. But it’s keeping her from seeing any man—and especially Jake—for who he really is. Until she can move forward, she’s going to keep insisting she’s fine and keep being wrong. Poor Jake is laboring under a similar burden. He, too, has a huge screw-up in his past. Much like Molly, he’s been trying awfully hard to be good ever since. He’s been making himself miserable with the effort, but Molly has a way of reorganizing his priorities. No one needs love more than these two—they’re hurting and trying so hard to be strong. When they fall for each other, they fall fast and hard and…

Way out of their comfort zones. Check it out!

She sat back in her seat and fought a shimmer of confusion, of doubt, that whispered down her spine. Damn it, she had her rules for a reason, and Molly would be a colossal idiot if she forgot them all now—her career and her future were on the line. No frat guys. No rich guys. No smug bastards, and definitely no men wearing cologne. She had never had occasion to question those dictates before now, and today should be no exception.

It would be okay, Molly told herself, trying to stay calm. Jake could drive her to her B&B, and thereby satisfy the agreement he had with Grey. Molly would then go about her business, interviewing at the firm—like a rock star—for the next two weeks like nothing had happened. If Jake tried to see her again, she would simply say she was too busy, and put him off. Easy. Grey and Mina would be content that they’d helped her in their own small way. Jake would be off the hook and could return to his regularly-scheduled life. And Molly would secure her dream job for herself without any good-looking, good-smelling interference.

It was an excellent plan, and it would have worked. It should have worked. But then, on the highway heading away from the airport, Jake started shooting her significant looks.

“What?” Molly demanded, frowning at him. For a guy getting the arctic treatment, he was awfully cheerful.

Jake smirked, “You think you’ve got me all figured out, don’t ya darlin’?”

Molly pressed her lips together in annoyance, then blurted, “Look, Jake, I’m sure you’re a very nice person, but I’ve met plenty of guys like you before. I’ve even dated some of them. So, yeah, I can say with confidence that I know exactly what your deal is.” She shrugged dismissively. God, she sounded like a shrew, but it had to be done. Better that she not lead him on and give him any untenable ideas about her.

“Is that so?” Jake arched one quizzical brow at her, then looked back to the road. One casual hand was draped across the top of his steering wheel, and the other rested on his gearshift, disconcertingly close to her thigh.


“Lemme guess—I’m a spoiled frat guy raising hell with Daddy’s money, leaving a trail of roofies and broken hearts in my self-absorbed wake. That about cover it?”

Whoa. He was good. “Pretty much,” Molly agreed, feeling defensive. But given how badly she’d just insulted him, she couldn’t quite figure out what he found so entertaining.

“Well, I am also confident that I’ve got your number,” Jake told her, glancing over at her again. Could eyes dance? Because his baby-blues appeared to be dancing. At minimum, they were annoyingly sparkly.

“Please,” Molly scoffed. “You don’t know anything about me.” She hoped.

The fourth book in my Second Chances series, Finding Forever, is due out in spring 2018, starring Molly’s older sister, Mina!

Other titles in the series can be read as standalones:

Finding Home – Morgan Flynn’s story
Finding Love – Meg Flynn’s story
Lost in Love – a spinoff novella starring side characters from book 2

Molly O’Connell does not need a man. Boston is filled with men, few of them reliable. What she does need is a job, and she knows exactly which one she wants—there’s a law firm hiring down in Wilmington, North Carolina, and it’s an ideal opportunity. Warm weather, pristine beaches, a reliable paycheck…how could she go wrong? Heck, her brother-in-law has even hooked her up with a tour guide. It’s perfect.

Jake Alexander knows Molly is off-limits. Man, does he ever know. But when he agreed to show her around town as a favor to a friend, he never expected her to be quite so incredible. Gorgeous. Unforgettable. And his total inability to think of anything but her is going to be trouble with a capital T. Molly, bless her heart, is interviewing with his dad’s law firm—and if his guess is right, she’s a shoo-in. And Jake…well, he’s sort of engaged. God help him, he probably should have mentioned that right from the beginning.

Why does Molly have to fall for the one man in creation she shouldn’t want? And can she make a life for herself in this new place without him? Wait and see.

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Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $25 Amazon Gift Card, North Carolina Travel Mug, UNC Chapel Hill ball cap

To Enter:
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Kristen Casey & InkSlinger PR for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


James Robert said...

Nice cover and the book sounds terrific Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Would love to read this!

Anita Yancey said...

I loved the post, and the book sounds amazing.

kim hansen said...

Sounds like a good read.

Karen H said...

Another new-to-me author. Love the sound of this book and that is a great cover too.

Lori said...

Very nice cover. There seems to be a lot of past hurt and this can stop second chances when not taken care of. Can they get over the past and checkout the future?
quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net

Nova said...

i really enjoyed the post. i hope they find their 2nd chance happiness.

Lori R said...

I enjoyed this post because I found a new author I want to follow.

Unknown said...

Interesting book description.

Anonymous said...

I think this would be an entertaining read! Thanks!
Kate Sparks

Kim said...

Sounds like an interesting plot.

Kristen Casey said...

Thank you for your support, everyone! I'm so grateful to Ramblings From This Chick for sharing my guest post, and I wish you all luck in the awesome giveaway! :) PS - There's also a signed copy of Finding a Husband in that prize box, so be sure to enter. ~Kristen

May said...

What an interesting book so far! :)

Marcy Meyer said...

I think it sounds like a really good story. I like the cover too.

dstoutholcomb said...

love the excerpt!


Mary Preston said...

I will be checking this out thank you.

John Smith said...

Those lawyers and their yearnings! Sounds like a dramedy!

Lois Imel said...

Wow! Cover is great & excerpt sounds like a awesome read. Will be looking forward to reading it.

Teresa said...

Love the cover .Sounds great.Can't wait to read this.Thanks for the contest.

BookLady said...

Congrats on the new release! It sound like a wonderful book. Thanks for sharing.

K Angeles said...

Can’t wait to read!

Edye Nicole said...

I think it sounds good.


Gwendolyn Jordan said...

I enjoyed the post

Landslide said...

Sounds very interesting.

Rp98 said...

Love the cover. Look forward to reading the book

Barbara B. said...

Would love to win this book! Lovely cover and sounds good!

Joanne B said...

Sounds great. Want to read more.

Kim Hampton said...

I love the cover and the description!

Jo's Daughter said...

This sounds like a good story :D

Rita Wray said...

Sounds like a great book.

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