
ARC Review: Fireball by Nazarea Andrews

Fireball is the first book in the new River Street Bar Series from Nazarea Andrews. I have been a big fan of Nazarea's for quite awhile now, and this book was a great read, just like I have come to expect from her. I enjoyed it from start to finish, and I think readers are going to like this one a lot. 

Dempsey and Taite have known each other since they were kids, and while he was the straight-laced do-gooder, she was always the mischievous one. He is now a firefighter and she is a police officer, so their paths cross often. But while to the world they appear to do nothing but fight, in private things are a bit of a different story. 

I really liked these two. At first I admit I was unsure of Taite and if I would like her. But she quickly won me over and I knew these two were meant for each other. I enjoyed the sparks flying between them and the banter was great foreplay. They had a ton of chemistry and a lot of history, and despite their differences they made total sense. 

Overall, this was a great story and I was drawn in right away. I think this is a great start to this new series and I am really looking forward to seeing where Nazarea Andrews takes it next. I have become a huge fan of hers over the years with her unique and relatable characters and well written stories and Fireball was everything I love about her books and more.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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