
ARC Review: Long Shot by Kennedy Ryan

Kennedy Ryan has done it again! She is definitely one of my top favorite authors, and each time I think that she has written my absolute favorite book she goes and proves me wrong. I honestly thought that Grip would be my favorite hero of hers ever, and August has seriously made me question that. I am still undecided because I just don't know that it is possible to pick just one favorite. 

Long Shot is the story of August and Iris. Iris thought that she had met her prince and that they were on the path for a great life together, but along the way she discovered that he wasn't anything like she thought. But when she met August, she knew that he was exactly what he seemed at first and the future that they could have together would be one worth having. Her fake prince wasn't about to let her go though, and life wasn't as easy as simply doing what she wanted to do more than anything. 

I will be honest and say that this story was far from easy and definitely deals with some issues that will be triggers for some. I won't get into much of the story because I don't want to spoil anything and I am sure that if you are looking to find out more you can easily find that somewhere else. What I will say is that Kennedy Ryan handled things with care here, while telling a story that I believe is worth reading even when it was hard. This might be fiction, yet it was also very real and for a lot of people out there is their reality. This story hopefully gets people to think of things in a new light and reconsider what they believe and say without knowing the full story. Kennedy Ryan has a way of doing that with each book she writes, shedding light on situations that are easily judged from the outside without having all the facts. She always makes me think about things in a completely new way, and for that she not only has my gratitude, but also a fan for life. 

August and Iris though were everything you could hope for in a great romance. They were unique and special, and easy to relate to. I was invested in their story from the very first page, and really felt like I was connected to them in a way that doesn't happen often. Days later I am still thinking about them, and I honestly love them even more than I did when I first finished the book which is saying something. They are impossible not to fall in love with and I think that their story is one that will touch everyone that reads it. 

Overall, this might just be my favorite book of Kennedy's, though I say that with each new release. I will never grow tired of reading her books and I honestly hope she never quits writing because she has a unique way of bringing characters to life and telling stories that need to be heard. If you are not reading Kennedy's books, you definitely need to be. I truly believe that her books have something for everyone. I cannot wait to read more in this series as I loved the characters here and I am not ready to leave this world behind. As always, I will be anxiously awaiting Kennedy's next release.

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

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