
ARC Review: Over Us, Over You by Whitney G.

I have read and loved books by Whitney G and I honestly couldn't wait for Over Us Over You after reading the blurb. Unfortunately this book was not at all like I was expecting or hoping it would be. I usually write my reviews right after I finish the story, but with this one I really wanted to give it time before getting my thoughts together. The more I thought about it, the more I felt like this book just wasn't what I have come to know and love from Whitney G and that left me a bit disappointed if I am honest. 

Hayley and her brother were abandoned by their drug addict mother but he always vowed to make something of himself and take care of her. Now years later she has a coffee shop with her best friend that he has no idea about, though he has been giving her money for school which she has been using for her business without his knowledge, but when she loses the business and needs his help, she has to come clean. Corey is his best friend and business partner, looking to strike out on his own. But what he never expects is for Hayley to arrive in town and for her brother to suggest that she stay with him. She is no longer the girl he remembers and soon the attraction between them is more than they can fight. 

I liked Hayley at the start of this story. She was at first glance a strong and independent woman determined to make it on her own. But not only had she lied to her brother, telling him that she was using it for school and not, but then she immediately turns to him and proceeds to take advantage of him yet again. He gives her a home, car and job and how does she repay him? She starts slacking off at the job he gave her, half the time not even showing up and if so she shows up late, completely messing everything up and not caring about anything or anyone but herself. Then there is Corey, and he treats Hayley terribly at first. He is rude and awful for no reason that I could see other than the fact that he wants her but thinks its wrong. He then flips personalities like flipping on a switch and suddenly he is all about being with her. Hayley throws herself at him at the beginning of this story and he immediately calls a girl he hooks up with but then when it turns out that Hayley shows up first he starts to fool around with her until he realizes who she is. He was so awful to her that it made it really hard to come back from that for me. 

Overall, I just had a really hard time with this one. I wanted to like the book and the characters, but it just didn't work for me. The characters were immature and did things that I couldn't get over. As much as I had hoped they would come around, it was too little too late and too much had happened that I wasn't able to get over. I had a hard time with not only the characters and their personalities, but also with believing the romance between them. This one had so much promise, and yet I just felt it didn't live up to the expectations at all. I know that Whitney G can write a great story, yet I haven't seen that from her with her last few releases. I think that there will be readers that enjoy this story and can get past the stuff I couldn't here, but for me this one just wasn't one that I could recommend.

**ARC Provided by Author**

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